League starts, Long live football!

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Dear hanging,

Most of us Spaniards are still on vacation, but the soccer league starts in the middle of August, very hot and the fans still do not feel that call to flock to the stadiums. The league starts with player movements, teams continue to strengthen themselves and try to refine their squads, nothing is decided and, sin embargo, everything ready for the show.

During these past weeks, the main comment in forums and networks has been the supremacy of the two great teams in the Spanish league (Barcelona and Real Madrid or vice versa). The lack of budgets does not go unnoticed, this reduces the competitiveness of a large part of the teams against these monsters; serve as an example, the meeting of this first day in which Levante UD with a budget of 28 million euros will be measured against a Barcelona CF with a budget 16 times higher. Faced with this insulting inequality between two teams that play in the same division, those who go to the field or those who watch the game, they will make me remember that famous movie BEN HUR starring Charlton Heston, where the Romans went to the pit to see how the Christians were thrown to the lions.

Pero, it is also true that everything is possible, the surprise and the lottery plays from time to time, but that is not competition and bulky results in such unequal confrontations do not leave any fan strange. I come insisting on my reflections, that with this formula of having three competitions in one (two teams for the championship, in between 6 y 8 for European competitions and the rest to occupy three relegation places) not the good path taken by the LFP; if we start from this base, What incentive does this league have? That those who make the decisions of Spanish football take good note; many fans , they follow the Premier and the Bundesliga.

A nice, I'm going to continue in my thirteen as did Papa Luna, something must change in this competition, and the principle would be a distribution of the income by the pools was less unequal with a better economic management of the clubs.

To continue enjoying August and football, which is what we are passionate about.

Sergio Barres

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