Eric Cantona talented bad boy

Eric Cantona un bad boy con mucho talento
Cantona, a very talented 'Bad Boy'. FOTO:

Last update 21 September, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

Eric Cantona He is one of the most talented as well as irascible footballers that football has given. An icon on the field and off it, where he shot numerous promotions and commercials since given his charisma, He has ended even as an actor. Great and controversial, was the man who came into fashion turtlenecks and one of the great “7” the history of the United.

Eric Cantona, character and talent in equal parts

Canton was born in Marseilles el 24 de mayo de 1966. During his career he played a total of 432 games where he scored 161 goles, with the French team played 45 partidos internacionales y marcó 20 goals but all he succeeded as a club player, especially in England, he failed with his selection. His comings and goings with the various coaches, his strong character and mediocrity of the French team of the time, did what I will never play a World Cup and that his only international competition with France was the European Championship 1992, where France went through more pain than glory as it failed or past the first round.

Eric Cantona siempre espectacular.
Eric Cantona always spectacular. FOTO: The Sun

As a player left grandísimos technical details, plus a lot of goals from a beautiful bill. He was a fast player and with an extraordinary punch that he showed at Manchester United, where he developed the highlights of his playing career with 185 parties and 82 unforgettable golazos.

But as every genius, He had his other self, much wilder. Among her pearls, It is when 1988 said the then French coach, Henri Michel, it was the worst coach who never had, which cost him exclusion from the French national team during one season. Playing in Marseille threw a ball to his own liking and insulted them. Allí, He also made one of his greatest stupidities when he threw a pitch to head to an arbitrator. He was sentenced, but in his mind there was no possibility of thinking that was so wrong that he felt aggrieved to receive exemplary punishment, He stood in the club and terminated the contract. Genius and figure, He retired from football.

League Champion with Leeds before signing for United

Luckily for football, Platini advised him to go to play in England and the legendary French player enlisted in the ranks of Leeds United, after it was discarded after being tested by Sheffield Wednesday. En el Leeds United, in just half a season gave an authentic exhibition of assists and goals but there also had problems with his coach. True to his particular style form messes, he spat at a fan. The indomitable Eric was making mischief on and off the field. In winter 1992, after midseason in Leeds, I would get the transfer to Manchester United where he waited Alex Ferguson, and even the legendary Manchester United, a man with great character as well.

Los caminos de Cantona y Ferguson se cruzaron en 1992.
Roads Cantona and Ferguson crossed in 1992.

In Manchester, Eric spent his best sporting moments with real screamers and fancy moves but where he also did most barbarity that has ever seen on a football field. He 25 of January of 1995, He rushed the stands to inflicting a brutal and spectacular kick at a Crystal Palace fan, local team, because he was scolding from the stands after being sent off for an almost criminal entry to the local Shaw.

As he headed to the tunnel without thinking twice he lunged straight amateur and left one of the most spectacular images that are remembered. He was sentenced to 7 days in jail but only served 24 hours, they sanctioned sportingly 10 months. At the press conference he gave to apologize left everyone with a span of noses to say : “When the seagulls (the journalism) pursue the fishing (o sea, él), it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea”.

Cantona propinó esta patada a un hincha del Palace.
Cantona dealt this kick a fan of Palace. FOTO: Brand

Eric Cantona, the actor

He retired at Manchester United in 1997 before his career began to wane, high and did pretty young. He devoted himself to playing beach soccer ,cinema and television advertisements for which a claim is still given his great popularity. To remember that legendary ad where the great French player dispatched a devil of a shot after saying goodbye to him and get on the collar of his sheepskin jacket. Then he became one of those footballers who ended up being actors and has even shot for Netflix. Condition of an actor that coincides with that of another tough English football player who made a niche for himself in Hollywood after leaving football. The beast of Vinnie Jones. Just as soon we see them in a confrontation in a movie like the ones they had about green.

Vinnie Jones actor y futbolista
Eric Cantona and Vinnie Jones. Sparks flew in the field. Then the 2 in the world of cinema. FOTO: The Sun


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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