Is football a vice?

¿Es el fútbol un vicio?

Last update 21 October, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

They say those who do not like football this is like a vice, as a kind of drug. Their fans are blocked, lose the reality of what is happening and that at times not only speak outstanding what they do 22 men on a field. Become beautiful game long, What we ask today is whether football is really a drug:

In favor of it:

– Vice: many of the features that represents drug addiction are in football. When one loves this sport, at times you can not let go of seeing. This slope, hooked on everything that happens. Many things become secondary, when in fact it is precisely secondary, el fútbol, which it is a passion.

– Expenditure: watch football is expensive. Pay subscription channels for best matches, fertilizers football teams not exactly cheap. Follow the evolution of your equipment is expensive let alone, If you move. People who deny the beautiful game can not understand such dispendio, which also it occurs with narcotic substances or alcohol or snuff itself.

– Moodiness and violence: en ocasiones, a defeat or a poorly marked play becomes a source of anger, mess and even physical violence or verbal. Many fans who can not stand to lose their behavior and impoverishes the team suffer defeat. let alone, radicals.

¿Es el fútbol una droga? Maradona podría dar una respuesta de lo más acertada.
Is football a drug? Maradona could give an answer as accurate.

En contra:

– It's a sport: Football is just a game and as such must be understood. It serves what happens on the pitch and when the match just happens fast page. happened before, sin embargo, increasingly more debates and postpartidos eternalize a meeting.

– One way to make friends and socialize: in addition to exercising, football is an ideal way to meet people and socialize besides having a good time. In that sense, play football for many is the best way to avoid bad temptations or a worse life.

¿A ti que te parece? Is football a drug?

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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