Last update 6 April, 2024 by Alberto Llopis
Dear hanging:
I found it very interesting to talk about violence inside and outside of sport., in particular the one we experience in football both on a visual and subliminal level. We cannot ignore that sport coexists with us, is part of our lives, It is everyday life and we keep it in mind from the moment we get up until we go to bed.. The visual and radio media are the architects of everything that happens around our beautiful sport having a direct impact on our lives..
Some will think that it does not affect them because they are outsiders, some because they don't like it and others because they aren't interested.. However, when the news echoes an event or act of vandalism in a football stadium or close to its surroundings, all the people show their indignation and revulsion, because ultimately they are nothing more than a demonstration of impotence and frustration.
As always I do not want to resort to objective data, but if you remember the news that in recent days has been echoed in the media. The stabbing of a referee to death towards a player and the subsequent decapitation of this by a sector of a crazy public or relatives in a Brazilian soccer field and of course, the violence that arose in a Zaragoza training session that ended with players and fans coming to blows.
The public powers are responsible for ensuring that these acts do not occur and repressing them with all the burden of the Law.. It doesn't matter to me that the interlocutors of this sport are managers, players or employees of a club who risk their money, job. What I don't want is for my children to see or be an active part of violent situations., If this is not stopped the option will be clear, my children will never set foot on a soccer field. That is why I dare to say that violence in stadiums, no por favor.