Ernst-Happel stadium in Vienna: Prater lifelong

Estadio Ernst-Happel de Viena: el Prater de toda la vida
Ernst-Happel stadium in Vienna: Prater lifelong

Last update 7 February, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Vienna besides being able to boast of being a spectacular city full of gardens and monumental temples, has also undoubtedly one of the biggest stages in world football: Ernst-Happel stadium the, Or what is the same, electricity Prater.

Spectacular both outside (of circular appearance emulating a large arena) and inside, Prater is the largest stadium in Austria and one of the most important in Central Europe. En él, usually competes the Austrian national team and he, derby city also dispute between Rapid and FK Austria Wien, Amen matches of both teams in European competition.

Estadio Ernst-Happel de Viena: el Prater de toda la vida
Ernst-Happel stadium in Vienna: Prater lifelong

Billed five stars by UEFA, talk about his story simply puts the willies. built between 1929 y 1931, hosted political rallies nazionalsocialista party in the years before World War II, where he was able to accommodate more than 100.000 people to witness the speeches of Adolf Hitler.

Already in full military struggle he became a temporary prison of numerous Jews who were in the room the previous step to death in concentration camps. Still, today can be seen through a plaque commemorating the hundreds of prisoners who were killed on site before being transferred and executed in fields.

Accommodating 90.000 in the decade of the 50 y en los 60, It would be precisely from the middle of the last decade when the stadium would begin to receive large international meetings. It was like this, as welcomed in 1964 the first of its four European Cup finals, faced Inter Milan Luis Suarez with Real Madrid with doublet included Sandro Mazzola, and Manchester City also achieved in 1970 la Recopa de Europa, which to date the only title of citizen club.

Sin duda, its golden age would come in the last half of the decade of 80 and beginning of 90. En 1987, Porto Paolo Futre proclaimed European champion Bayern Munich against. Tres años después, was Milan Sacchi, Van Basten and company which reissued the title of the European Cup before the always tough Benfica.

En 1994, Inter was defeated to Austria Salzburg 1-0 in one of two matches in the final of the UEFA Cup finishing the fact

Estadio Ernst-Happel de Viena: el Prater de toda la vida
Vienna cold leaves prints like this

It is having hosted the final of the three European competitions. A year later, another legendary team, Van Gaal Ajax won at AC Milan Capello still remembered with Patrick Kluivert goal.

Completely remodeled at the beginning of the new millennium, but keeping the essence of its running track, Prater would be stage seven matches of Euro 2008. Cut capacity until 60.000 plazas, all sitting seat and cover all, in the competition for selections, Ernst Happel would see the birth of one of the best teams in football history: Luis Aragones's Spain, Xavi, Iniesta, Casillas, etc…

En su césped, "Red would end the bad luck of the quarterfinals and penalties against one of his classic enemies, Italia. In semi-finals, It would also see the largest exhibition that has made a selection in the last 30 años, the box by Luis Aragones against Russia Arshavin.

The colophon would put the host of the final, where a goal by Fernando Torres would give Spain the second European Championship history to Germany.

Host concerts, cyclists stages, boxing and even tennis matches, Prater is arguably one of the most emblematic and beautiful stages of a planet called football.

PD: for those who do not know its name from one of the most successful coaches and players Austrian football and Rapid Vienna.

Estadio Ernst-Happel de Viena: el Prater de toda la vida
Ernst-Happel stadium in Vienna: Prater lifelong

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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