Gattuso investigated for match-fixing

Gattuso investigado por amaño de partidos

Last update 14 February, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

Corruption hits Calcio again, this time a whole myth like Genaro Gattuso. Ya van 50 arrested in Italy for match fixing, a whole scandal that puts Italian football back in the pillory.

Retired footballer Gennaro Gattuso is being investigated by the Italian justice, accused of fixing the results of Calcio matches three seasons ago. Four other people accompanied glue in the accusation that the prosecution maintains. Scandal shakes soccer world in Italy overwhelmingly, in fact, more than 50 arrests.

Gattuso siempre ha destacado por ser un tipo de carácter.
Gatuso has always stood out for being a type of character.

El ex futbolista, de 35 años, has been a key player in both the national team azzurra as in AC Milan. Como jugador, Gattuso won two Serie A titles and two Champions Leagues in his 13 years as a Milan player. He was also proclaimed champion with Italy in the World Cup in Germany 2006. Retired from soccer practice in 2012, this year he has trained two teams, the Zion of Switzerland, in May, and then Palermo, en septiembre. He has been fired from both teams with hardly any official matches. Por ejemplo, in Palermo he only directed six meetings.

Brocchi, Terzi and Grillo, investigated with Gattuso

The prosecutor of Cremona, Roberto di Martino, has accused Gattuso so much, like the former Lazio and Milan player, Cristian Brocchi, for alleged relationship with match-fixing. Apparently the business consisted of selling the results on the black market of betting. According to the Italian media, other cases such as Claudio Terzi, of Palermo, and Fabrizio Grillo, of Siena, jugadores en activo, are also being investigated, plus others 53 alleged attempts to alter matches last season.

The main beneficiaries, in addition to the accused themselves, they would be gamblers who were guaranteed a result beforehand. Según comenta la BBC, the fraud worked when those arrested received information about the results directly from the club and sold it on the black market of bets for fees that supposedly reached 600.000 euros. A fraud that is highly penalized in Europe.


Gattusso se ha iniciado en el mundo de los banquillos.
Gattuso has started in the world of benches.




Koldo Sandoval

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