The coup in Turkey pilla several former legendary players Barca

El golpe de estado de Turquía pilla a varios ex jugadores míticos del Barça

Last update 16 July, 2016 por Alberto Llopis

The world not to. After the brutal killing of Nice Day 14 de julio, el 15 Turbulent is also. The attempted coup by the Turkish army against the government of the Ottoman country relocates the world with bated breath. On the subject of football, This coup caught several former legendary players of Barcelona in the middle.

Carles Puyol, Deco, Abidal and Etoo, They were about to play a friendly in Turkish lands precisely organized by the Cameroonian. Messi was going to attend Saturday's game also, It is freed for a few hours of uncertainty now prevailing in Turkey. Messi had been invited by Samuel Eto'o to participate in the 'Eto'o Charity Match'. The rest gathered Friday morning at the airport of Barcelona to travel together to Istanbul as Carles Puyol tweeted himself.

Puyol y varios ex del Barça viajaron por la noche a Estambul. Por la noche iba a saltar un golpe de estado. Foto: Twitter.
Puyol and several former Barca traveled at night to Istanbul. At night he would jump a coup. Foto: Twitter.

So it seems and as stated by the newspaper Sport, former Barcelona players would be trying to leave Turkey on a private plane. Por supuesto, friendly has been suspended before the uncertainty hovering over a situation showing the sad scenario in which the world is developing.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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