The funny pique between Bartra and Casillas in social networks

El gracioso pique entre Bartra y Casillas en las redes sociales
Thus pimping Casillas Batra. The central replied in his Twitter. Foto: Twitter

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Social networks are a very important part of everyday life in the XXI century and footballers, are no strangers to it. practically all, They are fond of them and the most famous, They have legions of followers. One of the last actions within these social networks, is the live broadcast which leads to much funny game like pique between Bartra and Casillas in the popular social network “Instagram”.

Marc Bartra began broadcasting live while their fans, They left him messages, requests and questions to which the Catalan defender was answering. What Bartra did not expect a visitor to your profile illustrious make him a curious question. Iker Casillas was who from his official account of that social network would ask Bartra “You got today to Bale” then insist if he had seen. The move to the goalie was meant as, the Welshman's goal in the final of the Copa del Rey 2014 played in Mestalla, in which the end of the race ground in Madrid Catalan center at that time in Barcelona.

But the thing was not going to end there. Bartra the next day took up the gauntlet and reminded him tweeted a powerful header that got that day in that same final.

Iker Casillas replied again leaving the central thing in a curious anecdote demonstrating the good vibes between players. Social networks and football, things in life today.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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