Talented players but headless

Last update 14 November, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Football history is full of talented players riddled but common sense. What we call in Spain “Lost bullets”. Therefore, as in flown for football, big eaters lists we present 5 very talented players but somewhat controversial or lacking common sense out of it.


He spent virtually his entire career at Real Madrid but one short stage in Turkey. Disputó 542 It matches with Real Madrid shirt with marking 77 goles. little, is possibly one of the players with more technical quality that has given the Spanish football but nevertheless had a short career with the Spanish team with which he did not play any big event. Known in Spanish tabloids for his comings and goings with hostesses and models, night came to confuse one time or another and press outlets were continuous tone. He left beads as :"Whoever does not believe me go to the field to pick poppies" or "I do not see with 60 years in a nightclub but now ". After leaving football has come to act as jury in a television program. A genius on the field with a unique way of being out of it.

2-Magico Gonzalez

They say it, which it has been more orderly in your life, I could have reached the world's top football. And may be those who say they are not lacking in reason, because this player made impossible moves that left love at all those fans who came to see him every Sunday Carranza. But like all geniuses, He had its other side.

To give you an idea, Cadiz had an employee only to wake up in the morning the player on the other hand, He was also known for his continuous nocturnal revelry. One of his best stories tinged Salvadoran urban legend, Barca has ruled his move following a fire at a hotel in the city where Magic, He did not hear the alarms to be entertained by a lady. Genius and figure, to the grave. Magico Gonzalez was Genio.

3-Mané Garrincha

Garrincha was the best dribbler in football history and one of the best players who have gone through this sport. He played three World Cups and won two of them also taking a leading role. His role on the field, with impossible dribbles, It contrasted with a serious problem outside it. With a relaxed mind amongst a number of physical defects, He had a number of addictions to snuff and alcohol that ultimately ended his life in abject poverty. Night lover, He came to say about him who lived life as he played on the field. Tuvo 14 children recognized and some unrecognized. An anecdote that says enough of his relaxed mind was when he was about to play the World Cup final came to ask the coach why there were so many people in the stands and did not even know what kind of game would play.

4-Diego Armando Maradona

What are we to say about Maradona that people do not know?. He “Cosmic keg” He was one of the best players in football history, the best without hesitation for some. He alone, he led Argentina to win the World Cup 1986 in Mexico and Napoli at the top of the Italian Serie A. Sin embargo, his talent and his genius on the pitch has been tarnished many times for his actions off it. Its known cocaine addiction, his positive test for doping in USA 94, extreme obesity that nearly cost him his life a few years ago, a legion of children, some of them unrecognized and outputs tone as the day he shot a journalist with an airgun, They make it an example not to follow out the field. It seems that in recent years has settled down.

5-Mario Ballotelli

Mario Balotelli is one of those guys with an explosive and dual character. Capable of the best and the worst on the field and off it. Ghanaian descent, It was adopted from small by an Italian family which cost him some problems of racism. Parties, sex scandals, explosive fights and statements are trademark of the brilliant but controversial player Italian.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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