Players who won many titles without playing practically nothing

Jugadores que ganaron muchos títulos sin jugar prácticamente nada
Douglas was one of those players who won many titles without playing hardly anything.. FOTO: The country

Last update 18 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

In the history of football, existen players who won many titles without playing. It is often said that to succeed, Aside from having luck and qualities, It must be in the right place at the right time. This could be applied to players in the following article, players who won many titles without playing practically nothing. Sure there are hundreds of cases, I remember a few of them.

Players who won many titles without playing

Douglas y Vermaelen: They are the latest. Brazilian and Belgian, They have barely played for one reason or another with the Barça jacket but both add 8 titles like culés. A very enviable professional record if we take into account that both barely played during their time as Catalans. The Brazilian played 8 official matches with Barça in 2 seasons and the belgian 73 en 5 seasons. More glory for less, impossible. Douglas went to Sporting de Gijón where he later rose to fame for Hurt Your Ass Sitting On The Club Bus.

Jose Manuel Pinto: It was the eternal substitute Valdes at Barca for 8 years in which he played just 90 parties and added 16 titles. Certainly a glorious stage for a player who played very little in the Barcelona. After retiring full of titles, he dedicated himself to music and get really strong in the gym.

Javier Portillo: his career at Real Madrid started like a shot. Sin embargo, It was diluted to the point of going through several teams and ending up in Hercules where he ended up married to the owner's daughter and later as the club's sports director., something that did not help him face the fans alicantina. Jugó 59 matches in 4 seasons at Real Madrid and won 5 titles like Real Madrid. One of those for star players who were but they did not meet expectations.

Santi Ezquerro: juice 3 years in Barcelona where he lived a residual role as few minutes playing games and going in many as a substitute. In this period he won 5 titles. He did better in other teams in the League.

Mark Schwarzer: Australia won two Premier League titles 2015 y 2016 without playing a minute for both Chelsea and the surprising Leicester City. But he was there, two-time champion.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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