FIFA will implement the biological passport for the World 2014

La FIFA implantará el pasaporte biológico para el Mundial 2014
FIFA will implement the biological passport for the World 2014

Last update 16 February, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

The World Anti-Doping Agency (OR) and FIFA have met at the sefunda headquarters in Zurich to talk about the fight against doping, the organization itself has reported. Joseph Blatter and Jerome Valcke, president and general secretary of FIFA respectively, y Michel D”Hooghe, president of the Medical Commission of this same institution have acted as hosts for the courtesy visit of the members of the AMA, John Fahey y David Howman, president and CEO, in which issues linked to doping in football have been discussed.

The star topic of the meeting was the so-called profile or biological passport, considered one of the best methods to detect the use of performance-enhancing drugs, that FIFA intends to introduce on the occasion of the Confederations Cup 2013 and have fully installed in the World Cup 2014. Fahey, who is completing the last year of his mandate, expressed his gratitude to FIFA for “the progressive and productive collaboration with WADA over the years to fight against doping”.

For your part, Blatter, has praised the “FIFA's commitment to fight this serious threat” and has declared that they will continue “working side by side”. “En 2014, the year of the World Cup, FIFA will spend 2,5 millions of dollars in the fight against doping. It is our commitment to have the biological profiles of all the players participating in the 2014 FIFA World Cup”, D'Hooghe has specified in relation to this new control method that will be introduced in both the Confederations Cup and the World Cup. 2014 in Brazil.

FIFA will launch anti-doping controls in 114 partidos de clasificación de los 820 which includes the preliminary competition of the World Cup and in them, four players will undergo doping control and, of those selected, one will be chosen for an EPO test. “There is always more that can be done in the fight against doping, but we know that FIFA has always spoken seriously about this issue”, the president of the AMA has concluded. “We think that the leagues can complement what FIFA is already doing on the matter, but we still came to thank FIFA for their collaboration”, has added.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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