The Curse of Cyril Makanaky

La maldición de Cyril Makanaky
Cyril Makanaky. El futbolista al que le atribuyeron su propia maldición. PHOTOMONTAGE: hanging

Last update 1 May, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Cyril Makanaky fue un peculiar jugador camerunés de finales de los 80’s y principios de los 90’s que llegó a su máximo apogeo durante el Italy World Cup 90. In this World, Camerún de la mano de Roger Milla o Tommy N’Kono se convirtió en una de las sensaciones de dicha cita y dentro de ese equipo destacó Makanaky. But this player starred in more, en concreto de una maldición involuntaria y de ser el creador de la expresión “become a Makanaky”.

He played in Spain in Malaga and Villarreal

Cyril Makanaky He started his career where they do most African footballers, en Francia, but it was not until Italy 90 when he released. at that time, It was when he came up with their bones to the Spanish League, where he was signed for Malaga, that militated in Second Division at the time.

Makanaky He came as a star, but not triumphed over the field. Malaga went down to Second Division B and Cameroon went to Villarreal where he also went through more pain than glory. But this man had something, something that made him unique, something that made people remember his name.

Gossips say that he was the nightlife of Malaga and he liked to smoke “Makanakis”. Además, his move was preceded by Málaga 4 contracts and certain shenanigans.

La maldición de Makanaky

Cyril Makanaky, He played in two different stages in the Barcelona of Guayaquil, one of the largest in Ecuador, the first season 1994/95 and the second in 1996/97 and according to account an urban legend, at the end of the second stage, Barcelona de Guayaquil left him to duty 200.000 dollars which made Makanaky curse the club for such failure, we assume that by some spell.

La maldición de Makanaky
Makanaky en su llegada a Barcelona de Ecuador. FOTO: Youtube

The point is that in the Barcelona of Guayaquil, as always Gossips, They argued the drought of titles for 14 years to Curse of Makanaky. the curse, He broke in 2012 with the conquest of a league title, the first since the Cameroonian footballer had left the club. And that had passed away 15 años.

El propio Cyril Makanaky I had to step out of this curse that had assembled around him, ensuring the program Day to day chain Teleamazonas of Ecuador, he had never practiced any rite or spell.

“I never practiced witchcraft, It is irresponsible to think that these things can happen. There is an organization in the club and when leaders do what they should do for the team to go ahead, Lots of things can happen", he said. "It is a joy, I played in Barcelona and always be good news, because a long time ago earned nothing ", culminated Makanaky.

Cyril Makanaky
Makanaky curse was a serious issue for a long time. FOTO: Teleamazon

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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