The best images in the world of football left 2017

Las mejores imágenes en el mundo del fútbol que dejó 2017
Wayne Shaw, Sutton goalkeeper eating a sandwich on the bench during the match that his team played against Arsenal.

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

El año 2017 is history in every aspect why, In this video you remember what were the best images in the world of football left us this 2017. Desde el Cristiano bust to some wrong goals crass way through some other “fail” epic. Take a look at the video of our Youtube channel. 

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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