The worst thrashings received by the selection of Mexico

Las peores goleadas recibidas por la selección de México
Chile festival came to Mexico in the US. FOTO: Google

Last update 1 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Which are las peores goleadas recibidas por la selección de fútbol de México ever?

the strong 7 a 0 que le endosó Chile en la Copa América Centenario a la Tricolor, fue la segunda en la lista de las peores goleadas recibidas por la selección de México. Sin embargo, possibly by context, the framework of competition, the times and the umpteenth time that the Mexican press sold his selection as a superpower (tildarla reached clear favorite), is possibly the most escueza.

And is that the Tricolor, It is known as Mexican, always historically it is given by the press in his country as a favorite, something the rest of the world does not usually share. Unfortunately for them, statistics always end up serving around the world and Mexico combined just crashing against the team expectations shift. Although this Copa America Centenario was too much and even if the ultimate champion of America at that time, Chile, seven goals are too many for a team of professionals.

Éstas son las peores goleadas recibidas de la historia de la selección de México

1961 Inglaterra 8-0 Mexico
2016 Chile 7-0 Mexico
1928 España 7-1 Mexico
1978 Germany 6-0 Mexico
1930 Argentina 6-3 Mexico
1992 Mexico 0-5 Brasil
1984 Italia 5-0 Mexico
1994 Mexico 1-5 Suecia
1998 Norway 5-2 Mexico
2004 Mexico 0-4 Brasil
1997 Mexico 0-4 Brasil
1980 N. Zealand 4-0 Mexico
1994 Mexico 1-4 Rusia

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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