The best memes Maradona's debut as coach of Dorados de Sinaloa

Last update 21 August, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Diego Armando Maradona made his debut as coach in Mexico and did so with a spectacular victory 4 goals to 1 against Cafataleros. Como no podía ser de otra manera, the debut of the legendary former footballer became a global trending topic on Twitter and popular social network raised an expectation at the global level this team placing second Mexican division on the map.

And Maradona is a guy who can not go unnoticed, again he gave material that became flesh meme. These are some of the best memes Maradona's debut as coach of Dorados de Sinaloa. 

A meme de Maradona 9 facebook

A meme Maradona 8 memedeportes

A meme Maradona 7 memedeportes

A meme Maradona 6

A dorados Maradona 5

A meme de maradona 4

A meme de Maradona 3 facebook
FOTO: Facebook

A meme Maradona 2 facebook
FOTO: Facebook

A meme Maradona 1 facebook
FOTO: Facebook

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