The worst league starts from Valencia 2010

Los peores arranques de Liga del Valencia desde 2010
Nuno finished off Valencia despite starting much better than Pako Ayestaran.

Last update 5 October, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

Valencia Nuno does not start. Things are far from going well at Mestalla and the idyllic atmosphere of Lim-Nuno Mendes project and of course, far from where it was a year ago when the team, He signed an early season quite different from this. a first 7 days where the Valencia team has not only given a bad image but practically has not scored points. Sin embargo, not the worst start of Valencia from 2010.

The season 2012/13 Mauricio Pellegrino things started worse. On the day 7 the Valencia team only added 8 points, 1 less than today after winning 2 parties, empatado 2 y perdido 3. Some quite similar to the data of the 2015/16. Pellegrino finished dismissed a few days later and the rudder of the ship caught Ernesto Valverde preserved the team in Europe.

The best data of this decade so far signed them the same Nuno last year when 7 He managed to accumulate days 17 points after scoring 5 victories and 2 draws in 7 parties. Además, If this year's Valencia is the second worst scoring team level after Malaga, last year at this time added 17 goles, 1 joined by point.

The second best record in the decade it has the Valencia Unai Emery of 2010/11 when they totaled Mestalla 16 points following 5 victories, one draw and just one defeat. En la 2013/14 Djukic added 12 points following 4 victories and 3 Serbia defeats although that year did not end where the Argentine Pizzi made a decent campaign in the Europa League League but failed to qualify for any European competition for the first time in decades.

En la 2011/12 Emery also joined the team 14 points following 4 victories, 2 draws and only one defeat. Así las cosas, the current Valencia is the worst since 2010, nothing encouraging about records for the Portuguese coach since the other two worst start ended with respective technical dismissed. It is still early but we'll see if commanded by Nuno, This Valencia is able to take flight.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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