Martín Palermo, the biggest Argentine football crazy

Martín Palermo, el loco más grande del fútbol argentino

Last update 14 March, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Martín Palermo is definitely one of the best players that has given the history of Argentine soccer. Capaz de lo mejor y de lo peor, his style, It was always different from a normal footballer. Over a lengthy career on the green, He collected many anecdotes and stories. Un futbolista, who noted 237 goals as Boca Juniors striker, the club of his loves. On Hanged, we review some of the best stories of the greatest madman in the history of Argentine soccer.

Palermo wrote his name in the Guinness Book of Records in 1999 but surely, this record would not like you to have it. In a match of the Copa America this year, Argentine striker missed three penalties in one game, such a historic milestone as exasperating. A few months before, He had gotten a penalty in the most peculiar way of history, whereas with regulation left hand even to doubt. He knocked a penalty and slipped, falling to the ground hit with the other leg marking the known penalty “both legs”.

De esta manera marcó Palermo su penalti con los dos pies.
Thus Palermo scored his penalty with both feet.

En 2001, possibly she experienced one of the worst moments of his life. Levante and Villarreal played a match of the Cup of the season 2001/02. Palermo scored a goal for Madrigal, team he had signed not long ago and where they would play like other illustrious Boca Riquelme, Cagna and Arrabarruena. Full of emotion, He came to where they were supporters of Villarreal, just behind a goal. between hugs, followers piled up against the short wall separating them from the field and he gave, leg falling over Marin Palermo with a few fans. Server, who it was present at the stadium that night, I watch from elsewhere field an action that was as dramatic as absurd.

Neither short nor lazy, en el 2007, He scored a goal from 60 meters and scored a goal Poker Columbus. En 2010 he became one of his greatest moments of glory. and veteran, It was summoned by Maradona for the Albiceleste. Argentina, that almost reached the World Cup of chiripa, She is playing against Peru. Maradona's charges only they had better win and the match with 1 a 1, by feelings seemed to alienate the Argentine victory. But they won and it was no thanks to Messi, is a Higüain, nor Di Maria and Aguero Tevez and Kun, and the usual payroll at the time of Argentine forwards.

Este gol de Palermo a Perú fue posiblemente uno de los más cantados de la historia de Argentina.
The goal of Palermo to Peru was possibly one of the most sung in the history of Argentina.

Fue él, one of the most memorable goals of Argentine soccer, It was Martin Palermo who after a scramble unresolved in the area, He marked one of the remembered goals by Argentine. He still had things to do. Maradona, She took him to the World Cup thanks to his goal to Peru, They had arrived and Palermo 36, casi 37 años, scored a goal for Greece and being the oldest Argentine to do so in the World.

Finally, Palermo retired in 2011 con 38 years leaving a career full of personal and collective titles, anecdotes and goals, muchos goles. A unique player with a special gift of those that make a player is different from the average. No doubt your stuff, Martin Palermo was one of these.

Palermo se retiró como un héroe.
Palermo retired as a hero.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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