Maxi López Icardi: a story soccer, friendship and infidelity

Last update 17 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Maxi Lopez and Icardi are two Argentine footballers career in Italian football but the story that unites them both could be the argument of any soap opera or desktop film Sunday afternoon. Sampdoria-Inter's 13 of April of 2004 He did nothing but confirm the breakdown of the relationship that bound both. The history, It is well known but if you do not know we suggest you continue reading. We present the protagonists.

Maxi Lopez (Buenos Aires, 1984): former Barcelona where he stayed two seasons with more pain than glory and other former Spanish team like Mallorca. He developed most of his career in Italy with a step by Russia and Brazil.

Mauro Icardi (Rosario, Santa Fe, 1993): He spent his childhood and adolescence in Spain, specifically in Canary where he noted curiously in rows Neighborhood. He was booked for lower categories of Barcelona where he met Maxi Lopez at the time of the first Catalan team player. He has developed his career so far in the Italian Calcium.

Wanda Nara ( 1986): model, vedette and object of controversy between Maxi López Icardi. Famous for its devenires, a video him something inappropriate has come to light in recent years. Since leaving Lopez by Icardi, He has has become with his new lover on a regular airing their lives in social networks.

Ésta es Wanda Nara, la mujer de la polémica.
This is Wanda Nara, woman controversy.

The story between Wanda Nara, Maxi and Icardi

Como hemos dicho antes, Máxi and Icardi They agreed in Barcelona when you were first team player and the other, almost ten years younger, was player of the lower of the Catalan club. The story began the day a child almost Icardi, He asked an autograph to a young Maxi.

Icardi pidiendo un autografo a Maxi.
Icardi pidiendo an autograph Maxi.

Surely neither they imagined what would live nearly a decade later. friends inseperables, intimates and companions, the last thing he expected was what eventually would end up happening. Wanda itself, stated that Icardi, It was the best friend Maxi.

It looks like, Maxi continuous infidelities Wanda eventually break a married in 2008 and a family with three children. Revenge is a dish best served chilled and Wanda, He decided it was best to end the best friend of her ex.

Icardi, wanda y Maxi, un triangulo amoroso que acabó mal.
Icardi, wanda and Maxi, a love triangle gone bad.

Culebrón social networks

Here began the tremendous saga in social networks, already become a classic. From love messages via Twitter to direct attacks through photos and love phrases, which he caused Maxi Lopez had to go to court to make him stop talking to the constant humiliation.

Icardi y Wanda son asiduos a compartir su vida en las redes sociales.
Icardi and Wanda are regulars to share their lives in social networks.

The last chapter, it would produce as we have said before in April 2014 When he finally went to coincidr on the field the two players. In the traditional greeting before the game, Icardi reached out to Maxi who would hand to decline hit the man who had been with his wife who had been in recent years.

Maxi le negó el saludo a Icardi.
Maxi denied salute Icardi.

The issue is not going to end well. Icardi, I would post a photo controversy, with a very characteristic gesture for such situations infidelities, to continue and, a story worthy of the best soap opera that seems endless.

Icardi publicó esta foto en su Twitter después de que Maxi le negara el saludo.,
Icardi published this photo on his Twitter after Maxi denied him the greeting.

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