Michael Robinson announces that he has cancer metastasized

Michael Robinson anuncia que tiene cáncer en estado de metástasis
Michael Robinson anuncia que tiene cáncer. FOTO: elespanol.com

Last update 17 December, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Michael Robinson anuncia que tiene cáncer and also at an advanced stage of metastasis. The news fell like a bucket of cold water when Carlos Francino with permission of former British soccer player and communicator, He announced the terrible news at the start of your programWindow Cadena SER. 

“It all started with a lump in the armpit, then I admit I did not hear very well because I thought it was all a nightmare, I thought it was a bad dream because I was like a flower” that's how it started Michael Robinson after what Carlos Francino give the news and introduce a rather emotional way.

Robinson told last 30 October noticed a lump in one of her armpits so she went to the doctor. After various tests, specialists revealed that he had a melanoma metastasis. “I got tremendous news: 'Michael have cancer, bad one that has no cure '. Otherwise I do not remember having heard very well. I thought it was a nightmare, it was not true”, British story during the interview.

Former Osasuna player and communicator of Grupo Prisa known for almost three decades, de 60 year old, It has already been placed in the hands of experts and has a good mood. “Imagine I'm playing a football game and I'm losing 2 a 0, but I have Messi and will come in and will play for me, so I'm going to win for sure. Because my oncologist Emiliano Calvo, which it is also madridista, It has a therapy that is saving lives, You will save mine” He argued in an interview with feelings to the surface.

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