Seemed reasonable in the football world

Parecidos razonables en el mundo del fútbol
Many found him reasonable network like Sergio Ramos and Alf.

Last update 10 June, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Today we want to bring some of the reasonable resemblances in the world of football. Throwing a little imagination and with a point of humor of course.

Seemed reasonable in the football world

Sergio Ramos and Alf

There are many who see the curious relationship between the defense and the orange alien cat friendly dining. Will this be what he saw Pilar Rubio among other muses on it?. Certainly knows the footballer who fears Alf.

Sergio Ramos Alf 2
Sergio Ramos and Alf, Will they be relatives?

Ian Dowie y Sloth

Ian Dowie is possibly one of the ugliest players in history. What no one expected is that it was the twin brother of Sloth, the cult film Superman , Los Goonies.

Ian Dowie y Sloth, como dos gotas de agua
Ian Dowie y Sloth, like two drops of water

José Antonio Camaacho and the Incredible Hulk

We do not know if the grumpy green bug you sweat armpits and the Murcia coach, what if we appreciate is the same scowling. an air hear given.

parecidos razonables en el mundo del fútbol
camacho and hulk, the same face of permanent bad grape.

Joaquin Caparros and Michael Keaton

We do not know if the veteran coach likes to dress up as Batman at night but the resemblance to the actor who portrayed Batman once is enough for many Internet users.

Joaquín Caparrós también seduciría a Kim Basinguer
Joaquin Caparros also seduce Kim Basinguer


Lendoiro y Jabba The Hut

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is neither appropriate to define the reasonable resemblance between what was once the almost eternal president of Depor and the evil moneylender Star Wars.

Lendoiro y Jabba The Hut ponen la misma cara antes las camaras
Lendoiro and Jabba The Hut put the same face before the cameras

boton siguiente

football hung


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