Who is the best team in Europe today?

¿Quién es el mejor equipo de Europa en la actualidad?

Last update 7 October, 2013 por Julio Muñoz

Crossed the first days in the major European leagues it is time to take stock of what happened observing who are so far the best five sets. Teams full of stars, sober but safe blocks, the fact is that this first quarter of the season is giving us some surprises. the check:

1- Roma: in a league where Juventus, Inter or Naples should take the lead appears and breaks the Roma forecasts. seven games, seven wins and 20 goals for and one against. defensive line, Totti work and in their second or third youth, whatever. Parma only got you score a goal.

2- Atlético: They take eight consecutive wins in the league and two Champions. One of them achieved at the Bernabeu and one in Oporto, which speaks clearly the level of these. Possibly, is the most solid and compact block any league. Everyone knows what to play and there are two basic pillars: Simeone from the bench and Diego Costa from the field. The Spanish-Brazilian star with ten goals is the top scorer in any league.

El Atlético ha empezado como una moto.
Atletico started as a motorcycle.

3- Barcelona: Numbers in hands, We are talking about the best of the season by far. 28 Goals Scored, the most of all leagues and six goals against. The signing of Neymar, Alexis consolidation, Messi, Xavi or Iniesta make the picture of the Tata Martino statistically the best team in the world with ten wins in ten games, eight in League.

4- Bayern de Múnich: besides going back into the Bundesliga leaders they have reinforced Gotze and Lewandowski campaign for the next academic year. Guardiola gives them more touch and possession. They have drawn two games, but in Europe they have exhibitions, especially held in Manchester.

5- Arsenal: Premier has a surprising leader. Neither Chelsea nor any Manchester. The first is Arsenal Wenger, thanks in part to the excellent level of its middle led by Ramsey, Cazorla u Ozil. And if that was not enough, Giroud starts to show in London all that he did in France:goles.

El Arsenal es el primero en la Premier.
Arsenal is the first in the Premier.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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