“Rubiales is a rookie and a redneck”

“Rubiales es un novato y un paleto”
Clemente has harshly attacked Luis Manuel Rubiales. Foto: AS

Last update 2 February, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

the bomb of the signing of Lopetegui by Real Madrid behind the back of the RFEF and his subsequent dismissal by the president of the same, still causes a shockwave. The last to join the party has been Javier Clemente who has not hesitated to hit the former president of the AFE and former Levante footballer among others and now president of the Royal Spanish Federation, Luis Manuel Rubiales.

“Rubiales is a hick”

The Basque, former Spain in 90 and known close friend of Angel Maria Villar, RFEF president for 30 años, has not hesitated to attack the hard way the new president's decision to take to until today, Spanish coach just two days to debut in the World.

“If we talk at football, and consider what a club and involved in sports management, Rubiales is a hick”, He said in an interview in the middle 'Onda Vasca'. “He is a rookie and his arguments are somewhat dictatorial, He has entered and the first thing he has done has been to place all his people. At the moment, It has already ceased to a lot of people who had long been working on the federation. And all to get your friends”, sentenced harshly Javier Clemente one that continues to friends.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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