Semedo, arrested for holding bound and strike an individual at home

Semedo, detenido por retener atado y golpear a un individuo en su domicilio
Ruben Semedo has been arrested by the Civil Guard. Foto: Magazine Ball

Last update 20 February, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

As reported by the Valencian newspaper Las Provincias', Villarreal player Ruben Semedo, He has been arrested this morning. The Civil Guard has arrested this morning to set Castellon football player for the crimes of injuries, illegal detention and theft after investigating a complaint by the alleged assaulted. Last 12 de febrero, a man went to a police station in Valencia, claiming she had been tied up, beaten and detained by the footballer and two other men in the chalet footballer in Bétera (Valencia), after investigating the facts, The Civil Guard has proceeded to the arrest of footballer.

According to information provided 'Provinces', the complainant stated that after immobilizing and locking him in a room, individuals took away the key to his house and entered the apartment of the victim for allegedly stealing or grab something that could compromise or make any crime responsible for those involved. According to this information also, the complainant would have been beaten and threatened with a gun with which even had fired several shots in the air.

According to the same medium, The complainant, She had identified both Semedo as his cousin and two of the people who tied up and beaten and then rob his apartment that is close to the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia. Semedo is already a recidivist with justice in Valencia. In recent months he assaulted a young man with a bottle and threatened with a gun in a club hostess. A player who joins a long list of players with problems with justice.

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