The best and the worst team in FIFA16

El mejor y el peor equipo de FIFA16

Last update 23 October, 2015 por Alberto Llopis

FIFA16 again the quintessential football game. Millions of players, crushed his fingers playing millions of games, online against other players in the world or friends. Precisely in the latter always comes the typical friend who will tell Grab your the one you want to win you the worst of the game but you know what is the worst team?, ¿y el mejor? What you have.

Real Madrid is for EA Sports, the best team game though with a very tight margin in Barcelona. A curious fact if we consider the image of the game is none other than Leo Messi but for the people of EA, Global Real Madrid is higher than the Barcelona. Whites are averaging 82,31 ahead of 81,66 del Barcelona. Sin embargo, Leo Messi is the best player in the game ahead of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Messi es el jugador más valorado de FIFA 16.
Messi is the player most valued of FIFA 16.

After Real Madrid and Barcelona, EA Sports staff has decided that PSG (79,70), City (79,56) and Chelsea (79,37) complete the TOP 5 of the best teams to be chosen FIFA16. Surprisingly Bayern Munich Pep Guardiola, Mourinho's Chelsea or United millionaire project Van Gaal, They have been out of the top of this particular ranking.

And the worst, cuál es? Well, the people at EA Sports decided that the worst team of the hundreds that complete the game is Drogheda United. With a global average of 54 points and reaching its top player rating 64. The Irish team has achieved some fame for being the worst team in FIFA16. They say it's always good to talk one, even bad, so we imagine the popularity of Drogheda will have risen because of this. So you already know, the next time someone tells you win with the worst game, You know that lame team say.

El Drogheda es el peor equipo del juego, pero muchos otros no se van muy lejos.
Drogheda is the worst team in the game, but many others do not go far.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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