The best forwards in the history of Real Madrid

Los mejores delanteros de la historia del Real Madrid
It came as finished end and center forward. Con 451 goals in 438 parties is the best striker in the history of Real Madrid. FOTO: Real Madrid

Last update 9 January, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Who are the best strikers in the history of Real Madrid??

He Real Madrid It is one of the greats of world football. named best club in history in the twentieth century, They have passed through its row multitude of cracks that have contributed their bit to enlarge the picture legend Santiago Bernabeu. But in this article, we want to focus on a particular demarcation, the front. The level of a forward is measured by the goals he scores, since that's your job. Por ello, we are going to remember some of those who scored the most goals as white players.

The best forwards in the history of Real Madrid

DiStefano Grande0
Don Alfredo Di Stéfano, the total player in his time, one of the top scorers in the history of Real Madrid 308 goals in 396 parties. FOTO: Real Madrid CF

raúl 7
Raúl González with 323 goals in 741 parties marked an era in the white club between 1994 y 2010. FOTO: The world

mejores delanteros de la historia del Real Madrid
Karim Benzema, 300 goals as a madridista. FOTO: Twitter Real Madrid

ronaldo escribio una gran pagina en la historia del real madrid 134478
They called him the “gordo” but she made 104 goals in 177 matches with Real Madrid and is possibly, the best striker in history. FOTO:

santillana gol de cabeza
Santilla an experienced striker who scored head 289 goals in 645 parties. FOTO: elconfidencial

Puskas made a dream numbers with Real Madrid: 242 goals in 262 parties. FOTO:

hugo sanchez
The Mexican Hugo Sánchez scored 208 goals in 283 matches with Real Madrid. FOTO: televised sports

Buzzard marked 171 goals in 463 madridista games. FOTO: MadridistaReal

bam bam zamorano
Ivan “BAM BAM” Zamorano scored 101 goals in 173 parties. FOTO: Sports world

Davor Suker marked 50 goals in 106 white player games. FOTO: Pamboleros

Mijatovic scored 36 goals in 113 Real Madrid matches, including the one who gave the seventh European Cup white club 1998. FOTO: GOAL.COM

juanito cuatro
Juanito scored 121 goals in 401 white player games. FOTO: Four.

¿Y tú, Who do you think is missing? Do not hesitate to leave your comments below in the section intended for it.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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