To play against the father to be teammate's son

De jugar contra el padre a ser compañero de equipo del hijo
Buffon y Timothy Weah, the son of the legendary George to the Italian faced many times in the 90. Foto: FourFourTwo

Last update 16 October, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

Football always leaves us such anecdotes, especially when some players stretch his career for more than two decades. A) Yes, We can find cases like the legendary Gianluigi Buffon, who will share with Timothy Weah team, the son of the legendary George Weah to which the Italian goalkeeper faced on several occasions in the late 90s.

The young American nationality only 18 años, will play next to a Buffon that his 40 años, He decided to undertake the adventure of playing at PSG. Timothy debut with PSG last winter y It was convened by the US national team.

Now he faces the preseason with the idea of ​​becoming a major player in the French team, where he also played his father in the early 90, now become the president of Liberia. George was once one of the best players in the world and is the only African who was able to win a Golden Ball.

Good insurance, Timothy Buffon will tell stories of his father and that 22 years difference between the two go far. When the son of Weah was born in 2000, Buffon had already been 5 years at the highest level after his debut in Serie A 1995. These curious things that let this sport.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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