15 Aitor Zabaleta years without, no to violence in stadiums

15 años sin Aitor Zabaleta, no a la violencia en los estadios

Last update 14 February, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

He 8 from December to 1998 Aitor Zabaleta died. Yesterday marked 15 years of the saddest day in the history of the Royal Society, UEFA's match between Atletico Madrid and Real Sociedad that ended in tragedy. Still shocked with what happened yesterday in Brazil, Like a macabre coincidence of fate will be discussed and that these facts do not fall into violent oblivion, from "Hanged" remember Aitor.

Aitor Zabaleta is, desgraciadamente, Real amateur of most illustrious. His death was the saddest moment of the San Sebastian club, as he stated in his day the former president, Luis Uranga. Yesterday, They were fulfilled 15 years after the tragedy that highlighted security in Spanish football, especially in the vicinity of stadiums.

The events occurred on 8 from December to 1.998, in an ambush against donostiarras followers organized by the ultra "Stronghold" group, before the playoff game of UEFA between Atletico Madrid and Real Sociedad. Around the 18:00 hours, around the Vicente Calderon, in a nearby bar, regular meeting point ultras Atletico Madrid, There was an argument between fans of both teams, due to insults to the cry of "Basque fucking, outside Spain ". Zabaleta seems that half the ultras to seeing these increpaban a child six years. Por ese motivo, Always according to the versions of witnesses, He fell behind and helpless when, de repente, It was surrounded by four members of this group and one of them struck him fatally stabbed in the heart. His murderer was Ricardo Guerra Square. Aitor was admitted to emergency and died hours later, a las 3:00h of 9 from December.

Despite having spent 15 años, Aitor Zabaleta remembering still very much alive.

Aitor memory is still alive among fans "txuri-urdines". Rare is the game in which the figure of Aitor Zabaleta can not remember, considered for many a symbol of the Royal Society and all Euskadi. Anoeta outside there is a sculpture reminiscent of Aitor. this sculpture, It was donated by the Bureau manager Aitor Zabaleta pro-memorial, from Tenerife, tinerfeño work of the artist Cristo Quintero. It intended as a symbol of non-violence and it is the reflection of a sound education in sport. Numerous tributes are Aitor Zabaleta has received over the years, one of the most exciting was the match against Manchester United at Old Traffod last 23 de octubre. Los 7.000 donostiarras fans present at the coliseum English, They chanted his name in unison in the "Theater of Dreams".

15 years after the death of Aitor, and unfortunately still, chants are heard taunting the murder of the donostiarra. Por ejemplo, en 2011, the minute 25 Osasuna a game against, this was what was heard. What everyone judge 15 years after what feels hearing this and that in my opinion, Enrique Cerezo, It should ban the entry of the Frente Atletico at the Vicente Calderon:

Friable and denounce facts in this article, In addition to being a memory for Aitor and condemnation for those who follow, 15 años más tarde, tainting the memory of a deceased person. In addition to exalt the figure of a murderer, recently caught with 1.6 kilos hashish.

We took several weeks published articles on ultras groups around the world, First came the "ultras" in Spain (Click here), then the "hooligans" English (Click here) and last week the "bars bravas" in Argentina (Click here). It might seem to extol these groups, nada más lejos de la realidad. We know that the ultras give color to the stadiums but the price paid in some cases is too high. Por ello, from "Hanged", We reaffirm our commitment to "non-violence" and denounced the connivance of many clubs with the most radical ultras. Is not the fault of the clubs that some fans make apology for Nazism and fascism in football stadiums?.

How are you too many images anywhere and stage of the world.

Koldo Sandoval

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