Brazil hosts a field that shows that playing soccer can produce energy

Brasil alberga un campo que demuestra que jugar al fútbol puede producir energía
In Brazil we can find a field that generates energy playing soccer. FOTO: FC Barcelona

Last update 15 November, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

The world of football never stops surprising us, especially when it comes to stadiums. We do not stop seeing new fields, impressive and that house functionalities that decades ago seemed unthinkable. Pero, of all of them, the most shocking is perhaps the one that characterizes the field 'Morro da Mineira', located in a humble neighborhood of Río de Janeiro.

This facility, as they say, ‘the game is over’ if we speak in terms of sport energy, since it is capable of producing electrical energy thanks to the activity of the players on the field of play. This electricity is used to illuminate it. Sin duda, this is a real pass.

Its origin

En Mineira Hill, as in many other favelas of Brasil, maintain a clear concern for the youngest. That is why solutions are constantly being sought to avoid that the little ones end up guiding their lives astray.. Most of these solutions come in the field of education and sport, especially football.

Sin embargo, Mineira Hill It had a field in very poor condition and where the practice of sports as a form of leisure was totally unfeasible. That's why, when they got enough resources they did not hesitate to reform it, also including a detail different from the rest and that makes them more than proud.

In this way, the first football field was born that is illuminated thanks to the energy produced by footballers when running..

The one in charge of inaugurating it, there for him 2014, he was nothing more and nothing less than an icon of Brazilian football like Skin.


The field of Mineira Hill can be classified as a state-of-the-art stadium.

In its soil it houses an amount close to the 200 kinetic plates that take advantage of players' footsteps as they run to generate power. Something never seen until then.

It is estimated that the energy produced by these tiles contributes between the 20 y el 40% of the electrical energy needed to properly illuminate the lawn. The rest comes from solar panels located around the field.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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