Five reasons why the Bundesliga is not one of the three best leagues in the world

Cinco motivos por el que la Bundesliga no es una de las tres mejores ligas del mundo

Last update 6 January, 2014 por Alberto Llopis

The brand new signing of Robert Lewandowski by Bayern Munich has put on the table one of the most serious problems that the Bundesliga has. Shining player, player who ends up at Bayern. Which shark that eats a smaller fish, there is a common trend in the last three decades in which the footballer who begins to shine quickly receives an irrefutable offer from the Bavarian team that finally ends with the signing of a multimillion dollar contract.

It is one of the various problems that a league drags that many consider a model and that although it is true that in certain aspects being exemplary in others it is not so exemplary. Por ello, in Hanged by Football, Today we point out the five biggest problems that the Bundesliga has today.

La Bundesliga también tiene importantes flecos que corregir.
The Bundesliga also has important fringes to correct.

1- Inequality. Bayern Munich have won 8 of the last 13 disputed leagues and in the last season with an overwhelming superiority that is on the way to repeating itself this year. If in Spain we speak of a Madrid-Barcelona binomial, in Germany we can speak of a monopoly on the part of Bayern, with some sporadic incursions by Borussia Dortmund.

2-Cause of the first circumstance and already pointed out in the lead is the tremendous economic potential of Bayern. The most hated and at the same time most loved club in Germany is the strongest in monetary terms, which allows it to sign any player who stands out in the German country and in Eastern Europe, traditionally places of origin of most of its workforce until these last three years. If last year it was gotze the man “chirped” to Dortmund this time it has been Lewandowski who have been fished in foreign waters. This entails a dangerous formula for the Bundesliga. The strong team gets stronger in exchange for weakening the weak team. Dangerous pun.

3- The weather. The intense cold in winter causes the league to paralyze in winter for six weeks, time that doubled over the years 80 y 90. While the Premier, Serie A and La Liga play games in January, the Bundesliga is on a compulsory holiday, losing the attention of many followers worldwide, who prefer to turn their gaze towards places where there is competition.

4- The middle and lower zone of the classification does not have enough level. The statement may be harsh but it is the reality. defensive problems, lack of talent. Mid-table teams have lost power. Werder Bremen is no longer what it is, nor does Hamburg, Borussia Moenchengladbasch or Eintrach Frankfurt, just to point out some historical German football. This translates into a data that scares. Outside Bayern, only two teams have won the European Cup and the Europa League.The last time it was beaten by a team from Germany was in 1997 when Schalke did it 04.

Elber fue uno de los escasos brasileños que triunfaron en la Bundesliga.
Elber was one of the few Brazilians who triumphed in the Bundesliga.

5- Lack of foreign stars. The big signings prefer Spain, England or Italy. It is difficult to see a Brazilian succeed in Germany beyond Diego or Elber in his day. Nor do South Americans usually prefer that cold destination. It seems that things are changing in that sense, but even so, the megastars do not even consider going anywhere other than the Premier or the League.

Por supuesto, there are good things. The price of the tickets, first-rate stadiums, almost perfect organization, but in any case, as we see, not everything is gold that glitters. The signing of Lewandowski is good proof of this.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982


One thought on “Five reasons why the Bundesliga is not one of the three best leagues in the world

  1. The reasons you outline, would apply perfectly for the Spanish and Italian league and almost for the premier, since it is a little more competitive. The main predator of football is Madrid, I would propose rules that impose barriers so that millionaire teams do not base their success on the economic weakness of the rival.

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