Do you know Rubén Rayos?

¿Conoces a Rubén Rayos?

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Rubén Rayos was named best foreign player of the season 2012/13 in Greece. The Spanish player, It was voted by the Greek players themselves at an event held by the union of professional footballers in Greece. Ruben competed for the title with the players VincentThomas (NO Giannina) and Rafik DJebbour (Olympiakos). The current Israeli Maccabi Haifa football player, He played last season in the ranks of Asteras Tripolis, where he completed a great season. At this point, Many will wonder who is Rubén Rayos. Keep reading, we present it.

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Rubén Rayos received the award for best foreign player of the season in Greece 2012/13. Foto: Oidea Communication.

Ruben Rayos, He born in Elche, España, en 1986 and he began his career in the ranks of all Alicante subsidiary, specifically in Elche Elche. His career in Spanish football, at least so far, It was quite modest. He played in Villajoyosa, Orihuela and Lleida, all Segunda B, highlighting his pass by the subsidiary of Barca, for a season, la 2008/09. Like many other young Spanish footballers playing in semi-professional categories and almost precarious as is unfortunately the Second B, I had to emigrate to a foreign tournament level less than the Spanish League, to prove their worth and potential.

Rubén Rayos plays in the ranks of Macabbi Haifa.

En 2011, he joined Asteras Tripolis Super League Greece, a set that first came to the top flight of Greek football 2007 and still maintained, even to play in the Europa League, the last two seasons and the final of the Greek Cup. Precisamente, the seasons “Thunderbolt” how is it known, he played in the ranks of the Greek side. With his move to Maccabi Haifa, a large of Israel and a classic in European competition, the Spanish continues to play in Europe, taking another step in his promising career quite given his youth. An opportunity that may not come he would never continue playing through the fields of Second B. So Spanish football, full of foreign players from mediocre level in some cases, where many clubs still do not look at what is in other categories, very good players waiting for their chance.

Midfielder high quality and excellent hit the ball with two legs, He gave an authentic exhibition last season in the Greek Super League attendances, dribbles, shots from distance and hit dead-ball manual, facts that made him get the award he received and with which we began this article. Por cierto, It is not the only one who won in Greece last season and since, She won the best goal of the Greek Super League. Will we see in a short time in the Spanish League?, let's hope so.

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“Thunderbolt”, It is a player of great technical quality. Foto:

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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