Enzo Francescoli, el “The prince” del fútbol

Enzo Francescoli, el “Príncipe” del fútbol
Enzo Francescoli, one of the best players ever. FOTO: Mundo.lavoz.arg.com

Last update 17 February, 2021 por Alberto Llopis

There are players who mark a legend such as Enzo Francescoli. Hanging by the Uruguayan Football revives the mythical figure of the years 80 y 90. Born in Montevideo in 1961, This great player known as the “little Prince” It's recognized, nowadays, as one of the best players in history. Not in vain, Pele himself listed it within the list for FIFA of the 125 best players of all times.

Enzo Francescoli, one of the greats in football history

Italian and Spanish descent, the beginnings of Francescoli went through the team Montevideo Wandereres, where in the bottom rows formed with only 17 años. Dos años después, con tan sólo 19, the Prince made his debut in the Uruguayan first division. All of this, Despite being an avowed follower of Peñarol.

In the Wanderers, el “Maestro” It would prove all the conditions that would lead to the top of football. Habilidad, good ball, regattas, ability to overflow and pass a vision of extraordinary. All of this, accompanied by great arrival to goal. Not in vain, en 74 parties with the Uruguayan team, Enzo Francescoli He was able to score 20 goles.

On arrival at River Plate It was a step forward in the race Prince, because this time must deal with a large team and also provided an Argentine team Uruguayan. In fact, arrival led to great criticism from some former players, as a fellow countryman, who stated that “River did not need Francescoli because in this club had good players”.

Enzo Francescoli
Enzo Francescoli, one of the most important players in the history of River. FOTO: Wikipedia

Sin embargo, and even though things did not start well, Enzo Francescoli I end up triumphing and winning the hearts of the fans. Además, He showed a virtue that accompanied him throughout his life: its discretion and gentlemanly. Without a bombastic statement, extrasport or gestures, his friendliness was recognized wherever he went, so that managed to be one of the most admired players of all Argentina.

A sporting level, además, contributed to winning the league title of the season with River 85-86, where he also won the trophy for top scorer at the end 25 many. Hits that were added to the award of best South American footballer of 1984. This brilliant career earned him to become the benchmark and idol of the fans “millonaria”.

He had a career in European football

But at the same time, It helped him to be transferred to Europe, where the Racing Club de Paris would be done with their services for three years. In that period and despite being the undisputed holder, Francescoli would end up not being the player who had stunned in Argentina. Instead you were better things in the selection, well 1987 It would be the year of the second America's Cup by defeating in the final to Chile. Meeting of removal.

The season 89-90 Francescoli marked the consecration of the European elite, as being signed by Olympique de Marseille he would raise the Ligue title 1 with remarkable participation, also play with Uruguay earned him his second World, the one of Italia 90. No obstante, passing through the Marseillais team was brief as the following season tried his luck in Italy, where he played four years at Cagliari and Torino season.

Enzo Francescoli
Enzo Francescoli at the World Cup in Italy 90. FOTO: Twitter

The tactical and physical demands of Calcio and his defensive voracity especially affected the Prince who ended up returning to River Plate to finish his football career in 1997. Eso sí, before the Argentine club, achieve two Liberating Glasses, four American Supercopa, plus four titles, that would be worth him to win the hearts of all the fans of the Argentine team definitively and become one of the best players in the history of River Plate. With the Uruguayan team he would achieve his third and last Copa América in 1995.

His legacy is immense. While another myth football, Zinedine Zidane, named his son Enzo Zidane in honor of Francescoli.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in Colgadosporelfutbol.com and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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