Football 90's : the second golden age of Real Oviedo

Fútbol de los 90´s : la segunda época dorada del Real Oviedo

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Real Oviedo is one of those historic Spanish league lost walking through the catacombs of Spanish football, struggling to re-approach the place that corresponds history and hobby. In the stands of old Carlos Tartiere, They were accustomed to football with tradition, football in the top flight. In Colgados for football, We start the year 2014 Recalling the electric front of Oviedo (pincha aquí) and now we remember that azulón equipazo that recalled the successes during the nineties under the orders of Antic and Irureta and hand of players like Onopko, Dubosvky or loved Carlos.

Carbayones returned to the top flight this season 88/89 after living the worst years in its history until then. Sin embargo, that year would cause low-key man who led the rise, Carlos, he had gone to Atletico Madrid. All this, coupled with scarce reinforcements, It meant that the return to First Division was not a bed of roses. Aún así, They managed to stay thanks to results like the victory in the Asturian derby or the little hand that endorsed the Atletico Madrid missed Carlos. The player himself witnessed the rout on the lawn of Carlos Tartiere but received such tremendous ovation, which added to his poor season as colchonero, He meant his return to the Asturian club to end of season. Eventually he would become one of the stalwarts of the second golden age of Real Oviedo.

La puerta 12 del Carlos Tartiere recuerda a algunos de los ídolos del club.
La puerta 12 Carlos Tartiere reminiscent of some of the idols of the club.

Until the season 94/95 stability lived on the bench with two names Irureta and Antic. A wisdom in the dugout was joined by successful foreign policy signings like Jankovic, locksmith, Jerk, Jokanović on Prosinescky, and national and Rivas, Sarriugar, Cristobal Mora. If all this we add the formidable band as I smelled canteranos, Armando and Manel that they dazzled by then, It gives rise to a large block that year stormed the Camp Nou (1-2) of the "Dream Team"Irureta with football after the European elimination in Genoa.

Formation of Oviedo in the season 94/95.

Ese mismo año, The club also became S.A.D. disbursed after a social capital 605 million old pesetas. But unfortunately the departure of Serbian coach to take charge of Atletico doublet destabilized the bench. Despite major signings like Onopko, Dubovsky, Paulo Bento, Dely Valdes, and the great players who were still out of the quarry as Esteban, Jaime Losada or, instability took over the team and began fighting to avoid relegation year after year. Precisely this was also the last year of the legendary striker Carlos as ovetense leaving a record of 93 goals in 240 parties and becoming the third leading scorer in the history of Oviedo, only behind Herrerita and Langara.

The new millennium began with brand new stadium but the team did not change tune, year after year still suffering a lot to keep the category. Tras 68 years of history in the old Carlos Tartiere, the team moved to the new stadium in the neighborhood of La Eria and Antic returned to command the ship azulona. Everything seemed a fairy tale that turned sharply after the strong blow of sudden death during the holiday period Peter Dubovsky.

Quickly, the dream became a nightmare and that year the dreaded drop was consummated after a horrible second round to forget. They never occupied all season and the relegation zone in recent days took 4 points against Barca and Madrid, despite all this, and after a tremendous carom on the final day they were in the Second Division. Again and at the time of the civil war had been thirteen years of glory in the highest and the prize having played UEFA. Then came the descent to Second B and Third, but that, It's another story that we will tell another day.

La muerte de Dubosky en su mejor momento, marcó la trayectoria del Oviedo esa temporada.
Dubosky death at its best, He marked the path of Oviedo that season.

Alberto Marrodan

Other football specialist, that few people know in You can also follow me on @mohikanno


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