Football 90's: Pizo Gomez and Michel

Fútbol de los 90´s: Pizo Gómez y Michel

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Pizo Gomez and Michel lived a serious sporting rivalry that went beyond the limits lawn, which ended with an injury the first and a serious incident while circulating in Madrid. Do you know the story?, but you know read. First we present the protagonists.

Pizo Gomez: a gladiator on the lawn free glamor

Pizo Gómez was a Basque player who played for Rayo Vallecano, Espanyol, health, Athletic Bilbao and Atletico Madrid among others. Player away from glamor, It not noted for having a very refined technique but made up for physical waste. You could say that his game was something rustica.

Pizo Gómez con la camiseta del Atlético de Madrid.
Pizo Gómez with the shirt of Atletico Madrid.

Nacido en 1964 in Eibar, debutó en 1984 in Lleida while doing the Mili. What was Pizo Gómez?, after his retirement he settled in Pamplona and is currently charged with the issue of fraudulent ERE of Andalusia. He is accused of perceiving 460.762 euros as a delegate of the company CENFORPRE, which would have received this amount to impart some courses of prevention of occupational hazards.

Michel, one of the best passers in league history

Everyone knows Michel. Member of the “fifth Vulture”, He highlighted in the ranks of Real Madrid and the Spanish national team. Centrocampista de banda, He had a glove on his right leg and stood out especially for its measured centers from the band.

Nacido en 1963, He played in two World Cups with Spain and frame 21 goals in 66 matches with red team jersey. En 1987 He came to be fourth in the Ballon d'Or.

Michel uno de los estandartes de la quinta.
Michel one of the stalwarts of the fifth.

What was Michel?. He began his coaching career has taken him teams like Getafe, Rayo Vallecano, Real Madrid Castilla, Seville and Olympiakos.

Pisa, Michel, Gordillo, Iron, Ruggeri and history of persecution

Both players maintained as we said at the beginning of this article, a more than tense relationship. They had already had occasional friction during the stage of Pizo Osasuna but with the arrival of Atletico Madrid this was to accentuate and much.

Tells a story that Pizo Gómez and some Real Madrid players, agreed place of residence in the capital of Spain. This story also has one day, at a stoplight according to some, on the road to Corunna according to others, Pizo agreed and several players including Real Madrid was Michel.

According to this story, Gordillo, Ruggeri, Hierro and Michel, They began mocking Bravo Atletico de Madrid. Según dicen, Michel trifulca began shouting Pizo you are my idol and the incident ended, Always according to the story, persecutions and unloving words.

During a match at the Bernabeu, the thing was not better. The Pizo himself acknowledged that laughed at him and Michel came to tell him: “Do not worry about your wife, Ruggeri is taking care of her today who does not play”.

Meanwhile, Gordillo luxury allowed to explain as hitting the ball very humorous comments. The situation was such that the player himself even declared that: ” laughed facetiously me, I was about to give a punch”.

It got beyond the verbal. In January 1991, Michel injured Pizo Gomez after challenge at the knee. Fractured the tibial malleolus leaving the player three months away from the pitch.

“I'm not going to say anything, already you have seen all”, Pizo told reporters sore after the game. Por cierto, Atletico derby that was zero to three.

Paulo Futre, Atletico Madrid star confirmed the story a few years ago in an interview with sports daily Marca. The literally we transcribed as it has lost.

Futre touches. Daily Marca on 29 de marzo 2010

“It was nine o'clock in the morning and the evening 92 we played the Cup final at the Bernabeu against Real Madrid. He was with Manolo in the room, and someone started punching the door. We woke up with a shock of fear: “What time is it?, I told. He responded to me: “It's nine o'clock”, while the punches sounded increasingly stronger.

“Who?”, I screamed from my bed. “It's me, open the door”, he answered. I recognized his voice: ‘¡Uf, the coach at this time, do not fuck with me!’, thought. Open the door. Luis Aragones came like a beast. He lifted the blinds, He took a chair and sat next to my bed. I just had my eyes open for the daylight.

“look me in the eyes”, he told me. “But how can I look at him if I have not opened my eyes? I'm sure what you want me to say what you can now do later”, I replied. “Ni hablar, You will look into my eyes and I will listen now, Do you remember the insults that led him Michel, Gordillo and Hierro Pizo Gómez? Do you know where and how he humiliated?.

“Of course I know it. From a car began to taunt Pizo at a stoplight and tell: “You are our idol and a thousand barbarities”, I replied. Luis replied immediately afterwards: “Well then, Paulo, Today avenge Pizo. These three are going to swallow the insults they did to her partner until the last day of each of their lives will remember this day”.

Luis Aragones kept talking to me: “You from tonight will become the idol of Michel, Gordillo, Iron, his friend Paco Buyo and company. You can not fail, you have totally prohibited. Today is your day. He is humble as they did with his partner and go back to sleep now, but remember that tonight can not fail me”. And he left the room.

Obviously I could not sleep again. Cup final for me just start at nine o'clock and it was what the coach wanted. Its main objective was that I have gotten their start the game mentally 12 .Aquel hours before day we exacted retribution from Pizo.

Paulo Futre levantando la Copa del Rey conquistada en 1992 frente al Real Madrid.
Paulo Futre lifting the Copa del Rey won in 1992 frente al Real Madrid.

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Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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