The Battle of Santiago was the toughest match ever

La batalla de Santiago fue el partido más duro de la historia
Ken Aston looked very fat in the battle of Santiago. FOTO: FIFA.COM

Last update 21 November, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

the battle of santiago está considerado uno de the toughest matches in football history. That Chile-Italy of a 2 de junio de 1962 belonging to the Chilean World Cup that had everything. Hits, fights, abuse, Cracking previous statements and much more in a game that was more than that.

when did it all happen?

To know exactly what happened in those endless 90 minutes we will say that Chile had been chosen to host the Mundial 62 despite having poor infrastructure and possibilities, especially considering the great earthquake Valdivieso 1960. All of this, It made it the subject of criticism from other countries, especially Europeans, who saw how a developing country was going to organize a top-level event.

In Group 2, the Chilean team would face in the first phase to Switzerland, Germany and Italy, in what was known as the group of death. After playing the first day, Chileans had a victory (registered against Switzerland by 3-1), for a draw in Germany and Italy.

How did the battle of Santiago take place??

The second day of the group had to face Chilean and Italian. A key match for both that was used by the Italian press critical to pour into the country and the city where the party was to be held, Santiago. Especially intense were the criticisms of Antonio Ghirelli y Conrad Pizzinelli, who in an article called “Santiago, the end of the world: The infinite sadness of the Chilean capital.” They are throwing poisoned darts toward the South American country:

“Since I'm in Chile I have a curious feeling of carrying the world on my shoulders. You will feel like over the sadness of the people, and this causes a curious malaise is compounded by the huge jumps in temperature.[…]The blood becomes clumsy and seems to be lacking in the veins, and after spending some time in Chile one feels strange to everything and everyone. Remoteness virus most neglected, loneliest, more anonymous, he gets into the minds of all and I think it will affect the mood of athletes.

In vain Chilean, to console the Italian, They say that James seems to Turin[…]And this perhaps to try to forget the reality of this capital, which it is the sad symbol of one of the underdeveloped countries of the world and afflicted by all possible evils: malnutrition, prostitution, illiteracy, alcoholism, misery… Under these aspects Chile is terrible suffering and its expression Santiago, so sorrowful that it loses its characteristics of anonymous city”.

Como no podía ser de otra forma, Chilean press said (Santiago compared with Turin and southern Italy) and he heated the spirits of the fans, very angry because many Italians, además, Chilean women described as ugly. It was like this, in these circumstances as it came to game time, con un Santiago National Stadium full to the brim that greeted the Italian players with whistles and whistles, despite the detail of Europeans wear white carnations to calm down the public.

The game came very hot after all this

The match, obviously was a war. Italians already hard, not shriveled and the 12 Seconds committed their first offense. Seven minutes, George Ferrini was expelled for an entrance to Honorino Landa, which caused the first brawl between several players by refusing the player to leave the field transalpino.

Finally, They had to be security forces (Chilean Carabineros) who take him out by force, while the referee argued with the photographers because of their proximity to the pitch.

El árbitro Ken Aston, the inventor of cardss A few years later, He did not have the same criteria when Landa himself made a bloody attack on Mario David's jaw, He is sparking criticism from Italian players. The match, entre tanto, passed between kicks, punches and constant aggressions.

But the biggest thing would come the minute 38 the first time, when the local Leonel Sanchez overflowed on the left side of the field being marked by David, that brought down the floor Leonel.

While Chile was on the floor, Mario David hit him repeatedly prompting Leonel Sanchez (son of Chilean ex-boxing champion Juan Sanchez) he got up and propinara a blow with his left fist David. Curiously, neither action was sanctioned by Aston, more than English, it seemed to Swedish.

If the spectacular kick of Mario David around the neck of Leonel Sánchez a few minutes later, which he ended with the Italian in the locker room after being sent off for Aston.

Only the break seemed to dwindle the minds of both teams, which he took Chile (with numerical superiority of two more men) to mark two goals by Jaime Ramirez mediating the minute 74 and Jorge Toro 88. All of this, with the delirium of amateurs who had taken fulfilled revenge of the Italian reviews.

The battle of Santiago was that, a real battle

The outcome of the game led to strong criticism for his role Aston's home, what the English replied that “It was not refereeing a soccer match, but he was acting like a judge in a military conflict” . No obstante, Aston would not know why no meeting over the World.

Además, there were several injured scope. Humberto Maschio, Italian-Argentine, suffered a nasal septum fracture and Alberto Fouilloux, chileno, He sprained… Falling on a journalist! he would miss the rest of the world for this injury.

The only positive the meeting would come years later, when Leonel Sanchez played some friendlies with AC Milan and shared a dressing room with Mario David. There they forgot old braids and became great friends.

Fortunately the match was only broadcast on BBC English, which nevertheless in their previous and notice what would happen with a phrase for history commentator David Coleman: “Good afternoon. The game you are about to witness is the stupidest football exhibition, frightening, unpleasant and shameful, possibly, in the history of this sport”. Other chains merely provide a summary of what happened. Mejor, because it was to forget.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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