FIFA sanctions the RFEF Villar

La FIFA sanciona a la RFEF de Villar
The RFEF Villar has been fined by FIFA. Foto: Lavozdegalicia

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Accustomed to see how the players change clubs constantly and transfers are made right and left, we think that these movements are easy and not very time-consuming. Pero nada más lejos de la realidad, especially when we talk about young talents from an early age. Lately, Spanish football is being pointed for this reason.

After the famous FC Barcelona sanction imposed 2015 because of irregularities in the recruitment of children for their teams based, then the turn has come for the other two large sets of our league: Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. The two clubs can not sign the capital over the next two markets.

No obstante, the thing is not over here, and the governing body of world football (FIFA) He has reloaded. This time the darts have reached the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF), which it has been fined financially with an amount of 200.000 €. The reasons are explained in a text put forward by FIFA:

"It has been found that the RFEF had violated several provisions concerning the signings and the first registration of foreign players under age. In this sense, It has been imposed on the RFEF fined 200.000 euros and has been granted a period of six months to amend its regulatory framework and lower transfer system currently in force in the country. Por otra parte, in accordance with Articles 13 y 14 the FIFA Disciplinary Code, It has imposed a warning and a reprimand against the Federation ".

De nuevo, another scandal splashes to Spanish football, another for the same topic, far from being solved, It seems to be increasingly convoluted.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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