The historical rivalry between Guadalajara and Atlas: The Tapatío Classic

La rivalidad histórica entre Guadalajara y Atlas: El Clásico Tapatío
The Tapatío Classic, the oldest classic of Mexican soccer. FOTO: Brand

Last update 23 October, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

The Tapatío Classic, la historical rivalry between Guadalajara and Atlas, It's more than just a sporting matchup.. Known as one of the most passionate derbies in Mexican football, this clash between the two teams the city of Guadalajara has captured the attention and hearts of fans for decades.

The rivalry between Guadalajara, known as the Chivas, y Atlas, nicknamed the Foxes, transcends the four lines of the playing field. It's not just about winning, but to demonstrate supremacy in a city that breathes and lives football. The streets are dressed in red and white or red and black, the colors of each team, while the fans are filled with emotions and tensions before and during the match.

When was the first Clásico Tapatío played??

Desde el first meeting in 1916, este Classic Tapatio It has become a sporting and social event. Not in vain, es the oldest classic of Mexican soccer. Both teams have left an indelible mark on the history of mexican soccer, with iconic players and unforgettable moments that have left a mark on each of the followers of both teams.

A lo largo de los años, This rivalry has transcended Guadalajara, It has become one of the most disputed matches in Mexico and has forged indelible memories in the minds of the fans of both teams.. From the first confrontations to the recent encounters, the historical background of the Tapatío Classic They tell the story of a legendary rivalry that is still alive and vibrant today.

Who has won the Clásico Tapatío the most times??

The complete history of the Clásico Tapatío Chivas vs. Atlas (updated 2023)

Tournament Matches Victorias Chivas
Jalisco Amateur League (era amateur) 43 22
Liga MX (Regular phase) 157 59
Liga MX (Liguilla) 11 3
Copa México 22 9


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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