The best finals in history

Las mejores finales de la historia
The Argentina-France World Cup in Qatar 2022 It was one of the best finals ever.. FOTO: @fifaworldcup_es

Last update 19 December, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

What are the best end of the story? There is a saying in the world of football it says the finals are to be won. Truth is, al final, over time, the title is the only thing left in the honors of a sportsman. Sin embargo, If besides winning you are part of a show with seats that lift fans much better. Vamos a recordar algunas de ellas.

The best finals in history

Germany 3- Hungría 2, end of World 54, one of the best finals in history

El famoso Miracle of Bern ranks first in the list of grand finals. An indestructible team, which possibly has played better football and that shackled almost four without losing not only beating people but wherever he went he was defeated in the biggest game, the end of Mundial de Suiza de 1954. It was a rare encounter, where Hungarians went into the break with 2-0. Sin embargo, rain and boots with special pads for rain designed by the German brand Adidas made possible what seemed impossible: the Magyars the championship will not take.

Real Madrid 7- Eintracht Frankfurt de 3, final de Copa de Europa 1960

Eran otros tiempos, but what happened 18 de mayo de 1960 Cracking was. A great team led by Di Stefano, scored three goals, and Puskas (four goals) Eintracht mashed at that time defied the best team of that era. El escenario, the imposing Hampden Park, which at that time I had the capacity to 135.000 spectators.

Barcelona 2- Benfica 3, final de Copa de Europa 1961

The famous end of the square posts. The Barcelona, a set with Kocsis, bouquets, Suárez, Czibor and Kubala fell to a surprising Benfica Eusebio led by a young man who was all but unstoppable. Catalan wood box but it forward four times prevented Barca recorded its first European Cup. Bad luck was such, that from that moment disappeared squares sticks by round, to encourage attacking play.

Liverpool 5- Alavés 4, Final UEFA 2001

He 16 de mayo de 2001 do not forget anyone who witnessed what happened that night at the Westfalenstadion in Dortmund. A team full of history against inexperienced in these LIDES. much equality, goals galore and an own goal in extra time to round out a final dream that both teams deserved to win.

Brasil 4- Italia 1, World Finals 1970

The semifinal between Italians and Germans was obviously better, hence the word party of the century, but eventually he brought us a wonderful display of power from one of the best teams in the world with perfect rounded goal Carlos Alberto. The best attack against the best defense. He won Brazil.

Liverpool 3- Milan 3, European Cup final 2005

Istanbul lived an epic night. In the Rest A 3-0 favorable to Milan presaged a placid night for the Italians. They missed all. The English never give up. They went to penalties, Dudek there was dancing and coronation of the network.

Uruguay 4- Argentina 2, World Cup final 1930

The first final of the story deserves to go down in history. They came 10.000 Argentina to Montevideo with what that meant in those days. Rivalry was such that each team played a part with the ball leading to avoid suspicion. Goals, kicks, all it paid, but were finally charruas which the cat to water carried.

Czechoslovakia 2- Germany 2, final Euro 1976

The end of Euro 1976 In Belgrade it was a great match full of tension, lucha, emotion and alternatives. He could win any, but as luck would have were the Czechoslovaks who do so after a Panenka invented such a peculiar way to launch a maximum penalty.

Manchester United 2- Bayern de Múnich 1, European Cup final 1998

The Bavarians are the promised very happy when the minute 90 They earned 0-1 en el Camp Nou. Two corners, virtually identical they turned to a bookmark in just a minute. Tears and many to the Germans, joy for the English and excitement for the rest of the world. Until Collina had to console the German players.

Brasil 2- Argentina 2, Copa America final 2004

The National Stadium of Lima hosted the great South American classic that had to be decided on penalties. Two great team who fought in front of you to you with names like Luis Fabiano, Adriano, Kily Gonzalez, Carlos Tevez or Javier Saviola. He won Brazil, pero tal vez, which was really triumphed football.

Argentina 3 Francia 3 , Qatar World Cup final 2022

Emotion, goles, brilliant personal performances, overtime and penalties. The World Cup final in Qatar 2022 left many of these things. From Mbappé's hattrick to Messi's double, the feints of Di María or the stops of Dibu. The final of the much criticized Qatari World Cup had all the ingredients to enter this list.


Other historic final

White Horse final, Benfica Real Madrid European Cup 1962, Argentina 3-Germany 2 Mundial 1986

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