Los Mac Allister, a saga of Argentine footballers

Los Mac Allister, una saga de futbolistas argentinos
El Colorado with his future footballer sons and one of them, campeón del mundo. FOTO: @Colomac

Last update 5 March, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Los Mac Allister they are another one of those sagas of footballers that pass from father to son. And in this one in particular, there is a world champion.

When you were almost a teenager and collected the stickers of the Mundial USA 94, He drew attention than in the Argentina team out one of a redheaded guy with Scottish surname. It was about Carlos Javier MacAllister, a defender who played several games in the qualifying phase for the US World Cup and who had a good career in Argentine soccer in big teams like Boca and Racing apart from in Ferrocarril and Argentine Juniors where did he start his career. Precisely on that team's name well known British origin, the three sons of Mac Allister made their debut in it in the highest category of Argentine soccer.

Alexis showed off his British surname and made the leap to England to play in the Premier League with the Brighton shirt.

saga Mac Allister
Alexis Mac Allister with the 10 del Brighton. FOTO: https://sp.depositphotos.com/

Los Mac Allister, a saga of soccer players

Alexis, Kevin y Francis are the three sons of Colorado who was a politician years after leaving football, occupying the position of Secretary of Sport, Physical Education and Recreation of the Argentine Nation until 2018. But also the proud father of three professional footballers.

“Some people, por ahí, You are fortunate to have a child football player. I have three! And I want to rescue the institution. They were not kids who got 30 goals in the lower divisions. They are guys who sacrificed. And while Argentinos is not a club that includes ten players per season, nobody gave them anything, "he commented Colorado in an interview with the Argentine newspaper Clarin’ the day of his 50 birthday three children after participating in the Argentine victory against Boca at the Bombonera.

Carlos Javier MacAllister coincided in time with players like Batistuta, Balbo, Fernando Redondo, Simeone, Ruggeri, Caniggia and a certain Diego Armando Maradona. Enough to leave those who like trading cards World children, we ended up collecting at that beginning of summer several decades ago.

What I did not imagine 'El Colorado’ is that yes little son Alexis Mac Allister, I would not only be able to make the leap to Europe to a league like the Premier and play a World Cup and be a starter and important in that team, but also would be champion of the Mundial de Qatar 2022 together with players like a certain Leo Messi.

la saga Mac Allister
Alexis Mac Allister with the World Cup. FOTO: @OfficialBHAFC

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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