The worst signings in the history of Valencia

Los peores fichajes de la historia del Valencia

Last update 7 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Who are the worst signings in the history of Valencia? The set of Mestalla, It has in its collection a long series of horrors that should not be repeated again. Operations that have helped magnify the huge economic hole that drags today the club valencianista. Like any list,some will agree and others do not, but these are those who for one reason or another, are in our opinion the worst I have worn the shirt of Valencia.

Failed Valencia signings: The list of the worst

Alvaro Negredo

Vallecano cost a pretty penny to Valencia signed him in the City, So he became the most expensive signing in history at that time with 30 millions of euros you never write off. Sport performance was poor and ended badly sold to Turkish football.

peores fichajes de la historia del Valencia
The Negredo thing despite the great investment they made in him, it didn't go well. FOTO:

oleg Salenko

The Russian was one of the biggest fiascos in the history of Valencia. He arrived at Valencia with the award of Golden Boot World USA'94 and after a good goalscoring figures in the Logrones . Paco Roig that at that time it was thought that would create a “Valencia champion”, I do not hesitate to spend 300 millions pesetas thinking I would have a new Kempes, but in Russian.

Either by pressure, the responsibility, or mediocrity of the team at that time, The truth is that Salenko, He failed in his adventure in Valencia. At the end of the season he left the Valencia inglorious and went to try for Europe. I never succeeded.

Valery Karpin

Another Russian occupies a place on our list of worst signings of Valencia, and that the Valencian club had no luck when it comes to bringing players from that part of the world. En 1996, Valencia Paco Roig paid to the Royal Society's 1000 million euros of his clause.

Karpin valencianistas failed miserably in the ranks and went out toward the end of the season Celtic of Vigo where if he won, as he had done in the Real society.

Gaspar Edú

Brazil was one of the best players in the Arsenal of Arsene Wenger in the first decade of this century. Media Europe when it raffled off Valencia signed him in the summer of 2005. It was one of the best midfielders of the moment on the international scene.

Either by the jinx that acquire some players when the shirt of Valencia or the alignment of the stars are made, who was seriously injured arrive and. He could not play until the end of the next season. With such injury, it was almost impossible for the player to return to acquire the level that once had. He spent four seasons at Valencia, with a high profile and did not play or fifty games. A disastrous signing for Valencia.

Asier Del Horno

Asier del Horno blunted Athletic Bilbao as one of the best sides in Europe. This led him to sign for Chelsea de Mourinho en 2005. He remained a season London, where he is remembered a monumental kick to Messi in a Champions League match.

Valencia signed at the end of that season Chelsea paying an amount close to 7 millions of euros. The player who was preceded by a reputation for liking much revelry, He signed for six seasons at two million euros each.

He did not play just in Valencia, He was seriously injured and then was loaned to Athletic de Bilbao I had done business with him, al Valladolid y al Levante. In this last one he was where closer to recovering its best but injuries continued to weigh.

In his first season in the Levant than fulfilled, coming to play injured. After the Levant, He stared free, confirming that it had been a ruinous business for Valencia.

Save Crossbow

Salva Ballesta arrived at Valencia from Atletico Madrid after being Pichichi of First and Second Division. He signed a contract with a very high profile and there never succeed with zamarra valencianista so it was a good fiasco.

He remained in the ranks of Valencia one season and then was loaned by several teams. He ended up playing in the rival city, el Levante, and marking the first goal in a derby granotas carried by four goals to two. It was not the best operation of Valencia.

Aderlan Santos

Valencia paid 10 million euros to Braga for this Brazilian central defender born in 1989. He never had continuity with the Valencian shirt to the point that he barely played 29 League matches and 42 in total as a Valencian player in addition to joining several transfers until he was sold in 2019 al Al-Ahli for half of what it had cost.

los peores fichajes de la historia del Valencia
Aderlan Santos is one of the worst signings in the history of Valencia. FOTO: Valencia CF


Francesco Tavano

Cost 10 million euros and played 59 minutes in three games. Undoubtedly one of the worst signings in history and not only of Valencia but generally League. En 2006 He landed this Italian who came to score a lot of goals in the ranks of Empoli.

In short it was an absurdity investment which had to give out prematurely during the winter. Nor again he played with Valencia and the club was able to recover the investment made by the player. It was a horrific operation in every way. Uno de the worst signings in the history of Valencia.

Sabin Ilia

Romanian is one of the most fleeting players in the history of Valencia despite having belonged to the club of Mestalla many years. En el verano de 1998, Sabin Ilia preceded Valencia reached the final great season of his brother Adrian "The Cobra" Ilie. Upon arrival, Sabin sold was the good brother of the two. It would be the best representative had.

He signed a long contract, four seasons, where he was assigned 20 equipment, where he not got any of them curdle. He finally left the club having played for a while in the Orange trophy. Undoubtedly one of the worst signings in the history of Valencia and long.

Cristiano Lucarelli

They called him the “Livorno bull” by his great body of cupboard in which physical force is assumed outside normal. Con 1,88 cm height and more kilos of desired, had the biggest waist seen by Mestalla. Failed miserably, leaving a wealth of 12 parties and 1 gol. To top, He was seriously injured.

In those moments confusion reigned, exaggerated television rights and the football world full explosion was Ley Bosman, It prompting the arrival of players from the less questionable level. Aún así, Lucarelli was a player a certain level especially in Italy where he was a goalscorer. Only he failed in the Valencia.

Thiago Carleto

When he arrived at Valencia, Valencia always fawning press, it labeled as the new Roberto Carlos. With that moniker, he assumed a refined technique, a huge power and an innate ability to throw faults.

The reality is that when he arrived at Valencia 2008, this Brazilian guy had just played in professional football so the challenge of playing in the Spanish League Valencia and he was quite large.

It cost two million euros and played 76 minutes in a match against Malaga. It was loaned to Elche where he played 6 games before returning to Brazil and move to join the list of wastages of Valencia CF. The last thing we heard about him is that He was wanted by Brazilian justice.

peores fichajes de la historia del Valencia
Carleto was going to be the new Roberto Carlos. FOTO: Brand

Flower y Corradi

We include in pack since both were booked in the Lazio for 16 millions of euros. Lazio is true that maintaining a debt to the valencianistas of 13 million euros for the signing of Mendieta, so the Valencia paid the difference.

Both players left the Valencia that season and his contribution was virtually nil. Fiore He was seriously injured, something very few players repeated in Valencia Corradi It was a poor quality player to play in the Spanish League. Two more disasters which cost a huge amount of money to set valencianista.

Marcelinho “Angel Pie” From Rio

The Brazilian was a promising Brazilian player who came to Valencia in the verano de 1997 with the distinction of being a new "ace" of the ball.

Lo “angel foot” came because the boy surnamed marker, He wore a size 36 and it was supposed to be able to put the ball where he wanted.

Marcelinho lasted six games without including its spectacular moments in various summery trophies as Taronja or Ciutat Trophy Benidorm.


He joined Valencia in the summer of 1998 and it lasted turned. The good part is that cost 600 million and was sold by 800, in what was one of the Valencia few profitable operations. Sportingly it was null.

Victor Hugo Aristizabal

This Colombian striker joined Valencia in March 1994 and he left in June of the same year. Known as “the scorpion”, It came with a reputation as a goalscorer of the highest level and a player for the future.

The truth is that the background of the player who wore a funny mustache the time was most unfortunate. He scored a goal against Utiel and in a friendly. It was a disastrous signing. The first of Paco Roig by the way.

Dennis Serban

Valencia gave the late 90's by signing Romanian players. The truth is that the choice could not leave him worse because only one, Adrian Ilie good of the two brothers, he went well.

Payment 300 million pesetas by the player who spent more time wandering around Valencia teams in the club. After a first disastrous season, It was given to Villarreal already Elche.

She was later recovered by Rafa Benitez and ranked as fourth foreigner in a Cup match, which it costs the elimination of valencianista whole and its disappearance as a Valencia player. Another worst signings in the history of Valencia.

Fernando Gago

When the Argentine reached the ranks of Real Madrid was considered the new Redondo. The truth that passes through the white club was not so prominent left for Rome.

En el verano de 2012 el Valencia, fichaba the Argentine midfielder for four seasons and a high salary. It did not work and only a few months later, in January 2013, Velez Sarsfield went on loan to his country by not having to sports management Valencia, which continues without him today. Another fateful signing.

Other worthy players out here:

Juan Luis Mora

He arrived from Levante and played five games in three years where he conceded 11 goals in several thrashings. Then he returned to Levante.

Ludovic Butelle

Another goalkeeper who did not work in Mestalla. With a long contract as he used to sign the Valencia, his step was almost testimonial. He finished transferred from one place to another.

Gustavo Campagnuolo

El portero de los 6 Salamanca goals Day. Not play again, a failure in the making.

Nico Olivera

Fue el Golden Ball FIFA U 20 de 1997 and with those credentials would get to Valencia after a season. Its passage by the club Valencia was testimonial.

Gabi Popescu

Cost 1000 million and was a total failure. A season and a goal. He left the following season and was another puncture for valencianistas coffers.


Ronaldinho lasted two summers. He played two preseason, several great goals scored in summer tournaments and was twice the bit to start the season. He liked the summer of Valencia, but not winter.


Argentine lefty side whose stay in Valencia will not be remembered for a long fans. Player without any quality to highlight. Another firecracker that fattens the long list of worst signings in the history of Valencia.

Dorlan Pabon

Colombian striker was a real fiasco signing in Valencia midway through the second decade of the century

Mitchy Batshuayi

Mitchy Batshuayi, It is one of the last great fiascos of Valencia. And that came with star treatment. But his time at Valencua only lasted a few months.

Philip Augustus

En la 2014-15 This Brazilian player who came from Río Ave belonged to the squad. He had practically no participation with the Valencian team and his path ended soon. Many identified it as a Mendes signing, who already had weight in terms of signings at the beginning of Peter Lim's Valencia.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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