The best decade in the history of Levante UD

La mejor década de la historia del Levante UD
2009-2019, certainly the best decade in the history of the Levant. FOTO: Levante OUT.

Last update 27 December, 2019 por Alberto Llopis

Without hesitation, the second decade of the twenty-first century has been the best decade in the history of Levante UD. He 9 de septiembre de 2009, granota day the team met 100 years among many unknowns including the very existence of the club, few or no waiting 10 Prodigious years that the club has grown at a social level, economic and sports 3 times more than in the 100 previous years.

Entre 2009 y 2010, Levante has changed so much that little remains of that club that played in the Second Division for so many years, B second and even third in the darkest periods in its history after hitting the roof in the early 60.

Consolidation in First, Europa League and economic consolidation

With social growth based on smart policies that have catapulted to the 22.000-23.000 partners and an economic policy that has taken him from the almost settlement to be a healthy club and one of the 11 First estimates higher, the club led by Quico Catalan has been one of the clubs that has grown in this period. This consolidation in all aspects has achieved a growth in earned money on television rights as well as having made the sale of more expensive players in the history of the club. Also the signings highest in its history.

All this has also resulted in a consolidation sport in which the Valencian club has experienced two promotions (2009-2010 y 2016-2017) and only a decline (2015-16) adding up 9 of the last 10 seasons in the top flight of Spanish football which also qualified for the Europa League this season 2011-12.

Ten years where the Levante has starred in epic victories and managed to knock down the big several times (to Real Madrid at home and at the Bernabeu, City to Barcelona at Valencia 3 times and to Atletico Madrid and Valencia up to 4 Sometimes each among others). I even became leader during several days of 2011-12.

la mejor décadada de la historia del Levante
The Euro Levante became a leader in the season 2011-12. FOTO: Brand

A completely renovated stadium to complete the best decade in the history of the Levant

Levante has approved the last two seasons the highest budget in its history (around the 100 millions) wants to culminate the best decade in its history with a total renovation of the Ciutat de Valencia has a new facade and a spectacular cover for which they are being installed and relevant columns. A) Yes, Dean reaches Valencia team 2020 with all illusions about further growth. And is that as its motto says: “a past to honor, a future to conquer”.

la mejore década de la historia del Levante
Levante wants to close the best decade in its history with a stadium completely renovated.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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