MSN vs BBC in numbers

MSN vs BBC en números
Looks like an eternal debate who is better the BBC or MSN? Foto: Youtube

Last update 17 November, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

Countless times, in football we are tempted to compare. Y. Yeah, it seems that in this sport that does not fit that everyone is as, no. Any player who begins to emerge, It is often equated with earlier counterparts. Successful teams or, on the contrary, Not that much, also often seen in this peculiar situation. A situation that is enhanced when the rivalry comes into play.

It is impossible not look at the numbers, templates, éxitos, etc., which they pertain to two of the biggest clubs in the world such as Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. always collated, fighting to overcome in all aspects. Well then, in recent seasons the focus has fallen on its spectacular attackers, in those two tridents called "BBC" (Bale, Benzema and Cristiano Ronaldo) y “MSN” (Messi, Neymar and Suarez). Which of these two front is better? The answer will depend on the thoughts of each, here we will only show your numbers so far this year 2016-2017; and each draw their own conclusions.

La tabla con los números de las dos delanteras. Foto: Mundodeportivo
The table numbers of the two front. Foto: Mundodeportivo

The balance is settled with 11 goals and 13 assists difference in favor of the "MSN", although it is true that the "BBC" has had much less appearance on the lawn, specifically 602 minutos.

Carlos Garrido

Behind every pass, regattas, stop and goal there is always a story, and I like to write. Follow me on @carlos_vianos
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