Real Madrid-Barcelona, robberies and muggings including arbitration

Real Madrid-Barcelona, robos y atracos arbitrales entre ellos
This stomp from Lenglet to Varane was one of the controversies of 'El Clásico' 2019-20. It was not reviewed by the VAR. FOTO: 90.MIN

Last update 12 January, 2022 por Alberto Llopis

Theft arbitration Real Madrid and Barcelona. Two teams always on everyone's lips. Always with the complaint in the mouths of their leaders, with criticism of referees by flag. Forever, they say the weakest. According to the rest of the world, the most favored. A power struggle, Possessed budget, Transatlantic able to buy any player based book.

Two sets having their matches together the acme of which is an extreme rivalry.

The most controversial plays of the Real Madrid-Barça

11- Three very dubious penalty. Season 2013-14. A great match that ended in League 3-4 favorable to Barcelona after two penalties in favor of the Blaugrana, one of them very dubious about Neymar. Real Madrid also had its favorable penalty, this time to mark the referee for a foul Alves outside the box Cristiano Ronaldo a penalty.

10- Sergio Ramos penalty Adriano. It happened in the 2012-13, a priori, They not played much, because the thing seemed League club with many points of advantage over whites. Sin embargo, a clear lack of Ramos inside the area Adriano was not sanctioned by the referee Pérez Lasa preventing the Catalan team the opportunity to tie the game in the final minute meeting.

Ramos, de nuevo, envuelto en polémica.
Ramos, again, wrapped in controversy. FOTO:As

9- Pepe and Messi pisotón. In full quarter-finals of the Copa del Rey 2011, Portuguese Pepe was the banner on the field of Real Madrid. The man charged with stopping Messi and outside. Never mind the media, but the end. For it, had no problem stepping Argentine few meters from the referee. Nothing happened. Everything was settled with a “Simple yellow”.

8- Pepe and his expulsion in Champions. A plate pepe minute 62 party of the first leg of the semifinals of the Champions 2012 He was punished with red card. The blame, an oversized theatrical performance of Alvés, who pretended to suffer a terrible injury, however it was nothing. The logic indicated that should have been yellow. Sin embargo, Starks takes the red, what unhinged Mourinho, which ended in the locker room ahead of time. The action resulted in his famous why?

7- Mou finger Tito Vilanova. The Spanish Super Cup 2011 hardness brought everywhere. tickets harsh, Maximum tension, even and to a final expulsion of Marcelo game marked a match that will be remembered by the famous “handpick” Mourinho the then coach of Barcelona, Tito vilanova (RIP). The Portuguese was banned for two matches, but the worst was the lamentable image offered.

Las jugadas más polémicas de los Real Madrid-Barça
The famous finger Mou to Vilanova. FOTO: Captura

6– Classic bottles.The Cup final 1968 It was the ultimate in the rivalry between these teams. Barca went ahead 0-1 on the scoreboard thanks to a goal of Zunzunegui in own door. The Madrid, He is playing at home, he turned in search of the double that season. There was a clear penalty on Amancio and Serena who saw them all, less the referee. Was that ordered, or premeditated? We will never know. The fact is that the home team ended up flooding the field with bottles.

5- Figo and Piglet. Portuguese was the star of the transfer market in the summer of 2002. A transfer 60 million euros to rival faction greatly angered the Barcelona and their fans. On his return to Camp Nou, the supporters gave him launching all sorts of objects such as glass bottles or “piglets”. The stadium was not even closed.

4- Barca withdrawal of the field in 1912. Eran otros tiempos, but Barcelona gave the semifinals of the Cup 1912 after a scandalous arbitration proceedings that systematically favored Real Madrid. There were no fouls against whites, yes however, They did have for many, when they were not even. It got so bad that the Catalan team had enough with ten minutes remaining and left the field.

3- The pisotón of Stoitckov to Urizar Azpitarte. The Super Cup 1990 It was played in December. that year, a brand new Barcelona signing was made known worldwide. But not for its football, but by its pisotón to referee the match that cost him six months of suspension. To top, Hugo Sanchez would mark the goal of the Real Madrid triumph and held touching the genitals. De locos.

Stoichkov y Urizar aquel 5 de diciembre de 1990.
Stoichkov and Urizar that 5 from December to 1990. FOTO: AS

2- A British in the semifinal of the European Cup 1960. En 1960 the overwhelming dominance of Real Madrid in Europe cut it Barcelona and two British members who came to fame. Mr.Ellis, the first leg of the second round, at the Bernabeu whistled a penalty after offside indicated by the line judge, ignored by the principal, which ended in a goal from Suarez. On lap, Mr.Leafe annulled two goals Real Madrid claimed as legal, Di Stefano and Gento.

1- Guruceta and the penalty that was not. The culmination of the arbitration controversies was put by the penalty whistled by Emilio guruceta en 1970, of Rifé to Velázquez outside the area, during a quarter-final Cup at the Nou Camp. This decision by the referee who was away from the play and the subsequent expulsion for protesting Eladio, It sparked some incidents of such dimensions that the party was suspended before completion and the public ended up invading the Camp Nou turf.

Guruceta señaló en 1970 un penalti inexistente a favor del Barcelona.
Guruceta said in 1970 a nonexistent penalty awarded to Barcelona.

Por supuesto, We leave out other incidents like Roberto Carlos mecherazo, Schuster combs or Giovanni, the silence commanded by Raul. Arbitral too controversial for two teams that always came favored by referees. For long, they say.

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