“Stephan White, the alcanzapelotas who saved China”

“Stephan White, el alcanzapelotas que salvó a China”

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

How many curious stories have been read about and in football? Muchas. Day to day, month to month, there are new stories, curiosas, funny, and that in certain cases they can help a club or a national team to win a game, or lose it. Hoy, we will bring you one of those stories. Stephan White, an australian boy from 12 años, He was a ball catcher in the China-Saudi Arabia match, for the Asian Cup 2015.

Al minuto 70 of game, a Chinese defender committed a penalty on Naif Hazazi, saudi footballer. the chinese goalkeeper, Wang Dalei, in a curious image, he approached the net of his bow, and asked White where he thought the striker was going to kick. The ball boy told him with total certainty, that the penalty was going to go on his left. El portero, como no podía ser de otra forma, he listened to his adviser, and managed to stop the shot with his legs.

White, celebrated his success, and the goalkeeper hugged him at the end of the game, which by the way, the Chinese team won by 1 a 0, with a goal from Yu Hai. El chico, he was considered a "hero" and "friend" by soccer fans in the Asian country. A story, that will remain alive for generations and that we show you in Colgados for football.

Gaston Humedes

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