Telmo Zarra: the best head in Europe after Churchill

Telmo Zarra: la mejor cabeza de Europa después de Churchill
Atom, the best head in Europe after Churchill.

Last update 14 March, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Admire the best head in Europe after Churchill. So they prayed regarding a promotional posters Telmo Zarra in Stockholm for a party that would pit the hosts against española.Como choice is clear, His specialty was the headers, something that made him famous at the time.

Telmo Zarraonandia Montoya (1921-2006) I always had the goal blood. It was the first major Spanish Pichichi top scorer with permission. Con 251 goles, Telmo Zarra is the top scorer in the Spanish Primera Division history.

In a league where they have spent the best players in the world for decades, none of them, He has been able so far to surpass Telmo Zarra as top scorer in the Spanish championship.

Telmo Zarra un mítico del mejor Athletic
Telmo Zarra Athletic mythical best

In other times where football was romantic, Zarra always remained at the highest level in the club of his heart, el Athletic de Bilbao. With the Basque team played 352 games overall and scored 333 goals in all competitions. He remained from 1940 hasta 1956. In an age where they had players like Kubala, Di Stefano and Puskas, Zarra was always the one who set the tone with a goal.

Zarra's goal to England made history

Telmo Zarra is the top scorer in the history of Spanish Liga as we said before, He is the most capped player has won the Pichichi trophy to win it six times and also holds the record for goals scored in a Cup final with four goals, but what's the mythical Basque striker is known for his goal against England in the World Cup in Brazil 1950.

The chronicles of the time relate the play well: Alonso defense selection, He stole a ball and began a meteoric penetration from the side. Benito Díaz, assistant coach of the time, He is bawling in the band asking his player not to let his band orphan.

Alonso desoyendo his coach continued his boarding, He threw the ball on the left, Piru Gainza there appeared to head. England defender cleared Ramsey bad, Hughes and his partner hesitated Zarra appeared between puzzlement to change the direction of the ball and beat England goalkeeper Williams.

El gol de Zarra a Inglaterra en el Mundial de 1950 pasó a la historia
Zarra's goal to England in the World 1950 He made history

The goal was the most famous Spanish football to the goal of, Andres Iniesta gave the World 2010, Sixty years after the deed of Zarra. With permission of the goals that if they gave the other three European Championships.

Zarra was the first great player Roma

As we said in our article Gypsies in football, Telmo Zarra was Roma. His parents, They had nine children more Zarra but only succeeded in football. To read the entire article on Roma in the football world you can read aquí. Te sorprenderá.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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