Soccer players handsomest World (part 1)

Last update 5 December, 2018 por Alberto Llopis

Who are the former players and soccer players or even more handsome in the world? A) Yes, cual Save me or a similar program telebasura, Hanged for football it will dare those who in our opinion (It may not be the most successful) to place the most attractive players walking around in short pants by world stages.

Who are the most handsome players in the world? 

Como no podría ser de otra forma, the first on our list is a well known English. Expert to announce underpants, shows off her tattoos and hair changes with style and would like more than one. We speak as of David Beckham ( we admit it, we went to how easy), one of the most desired men on the planet.

David Beckham es uno de los hombres más deseados del planeta.
David Beckham is one of the most desired men on the planet.

The following list is a Spanish former footballer, former Sevilla player, health, Albacete and Athletic Bilbao, He has presented and participated as a model and has appeared in several publications showing off its kind. Hablamos de Aitor Ocio, a type of those returning to the crazy féminas. Judge for yourself.

Aitor Ocio es uno de esos tipos que atraen miradas.
Aitor Ocio is one of those guys that attract looks.

Another former player and former Lion of the Spanish team enters our selection of guaperas the ball. El rey león Now in hours rather low, It has the honor to be just as good footballer to be a type of those that lifts you to a lass who want to link to you and you can stay looking just in such a situation. We refer to as Fernando llorente, an attractive guy.

Fernando Llorente ha hecho sus pinitos anunciando calzoncillos.
Fernando Llorente has taken his first steps announcing underpants.

For easy as going to the first lead we have discussed, The following is a type of those who is hated and loved almost equal parts, a guy who likes it or not also like equal parts. We talk about the Portuguese star who himself, He described himself as a young, rico, guapo y famoso. Si, es él, is Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano Ronaldo es un asiduo a posar en calzoncillos.
Cristiano Ronaldo is a regular to pose in underwear.

The last of this first part, footballer was the pioneer in the art of announcing underpants. Swedish Freddy Ljumberg, starred in the announcement of a famous brand of underpants with which raised passions and players he stood as models of underpants. The photos speak for themselves.

Freddy Ljumberg fue el jugador pionero en el anuncio de calzoncillos.
Freddy Ljumberg was the player pioneer in the announcement of underpants.

And here we conclude the first part of this serial, as the issue of the ugly, We welcome suggestions for completing a second part so you can leave us comments by any of the routes, even if you do not agree with any of that out here.

Continues to see part 2 de the most handsome: pincha aquí

If on the contrary, what you want to see the most beautiful girls: pincha aquí

If you want to see the ugliest the You will find here

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