Andres Escobar, when an own goal is death

Andrés Escobar, cuando un autogol supone la muerte
This play is undoubtedly one of the saddest in the history of football. FOTO: Google

Last update 6 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

Seldom has an own goal can have many repercussions. Quizás, Yes in movies it can be easy to see such a scenario such as occurred with the Colombian defense Andres Escobar. The incident occurred during the World 1994. Colombia lost 2-1 against the United States in the second match of the group stage, partly, because the skilled center “coffee” He was unlucky enough to score an own goal when trying to clear a pass from the North American John Harkes.

Andrés Escobar's own goal that led to a murder

A fateful moment that will carry removing one of the best ever Colombia (Valderrama, Asprilla, Corner…) and she earned him the player death. After finishing the championship, while on vacation he went to a nightclub in Medellin to spend what in theory should be a night to forget pains of American tournament. In the parking lot of the local, an amateur named Humberto Muñoz Castro rebuked him for his performance going so far as to insult him. After demanding respect footballer, Muñoz Castro drew a gun and proceeded to fire six shots on the player who caused his death almost instantly.

The public shock at the murder led to the arrest of the murderer, who was a bodyguard and driver of a pair of brothers who were apparently entrepreneurs, David and Juan Pedro Santiago Henao Gallón, whom the authorities suspected had ties to paramilitarism and drug trafficking in Colombia.

A terrible moment in football history

His fellow national team René Higuita, Victor Hugo Aristizábal and Mauricio Chicho Serna had the mission of recognizing the body. The impact of the news was such that in the days after the player's death, his teammates, running fearing the same fate, They were heavily escorted by law enforcement. A funeral Player, nearly 120.000 people attended, including President of Colombia at that time César Gaviria Trujillo.

Subsequent investigations linked to homicide mafias dedicated to sports betting, although the link could not be verified judicially. The author of the murder was sentenced to 43 years in prison, although it was later downgraded to 23 años, With the entry into force of the new Penal Code of Colombia 2001. He 5 de octubre de 2005 the author hosted a benefit extracarcelario allowed to leave prison. This court decision was strongly criticized by various sectors of society, journalists and organizations.

A few years after the death of Escobar established the “Andres Escobar Cup” champion for the street football championship. A small tribute to one of the largest plants in the Colombian history.

Julio Muñoz

Journalist, specialist in international football and retro. I write in and you can follow me at @ juliomv1982
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