Some reasons why Kanté is a different player

Algunas razones por las que Kanté es un futbolista diferente
Kanté is a different player for many reasons. FOTO:

Last update 5 April, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

N'golo kanté is a different player for many reasons. And not only sports but also for his personality and way of being outside the field. A boy who reached the top of the football from abject poverty but far from going crazy and become a divo, retains his humility and an almost greater human quality than it has on the field, that's saying. And is that French is one of those footballers with a tough history leading up to success. These are some reasons why Kanté is a different footballer.

Con 7 years collecting scrap for Paris to help his family

Con solo 7 years N`golo Kante far from being in school, I had to pick up trash and scrap on the outskirts of hectic Paris so he can help his family eat.

Shuns luxury and high-end cars

Kante earns around half a million euros a month according to official sources. Sin embargo, far from bringing expensive clothes, luxury watches and jewelry and the typical average footballer cochazo, the French midfielder dresses in a normal way and carries a Mini Cooper with which by the way he had a slight accident with him in London and while he was solving, he kindly attended to the fans who saw him and approached.

Friend of his friends, great person

Cuando Emiliano Sala police disappeared and Channel decided to suspend search Definitively, Kante He offered to finance the tracking of the plane where his former companion in the Caen for the season disappeared 2014/15.

Kanté is a different footballer, so shy that he was embarrassed to ask for the World Cup to take a picture

He was instrumental in the France World Champion in Russia 2018, aún así, his shy and humble character made Kanté would be ashamed to ask for the Cup to one of his classmates to take a picture. It was his companion, N'Zonzi who noticed the issue and got it for him.

N’Golo Kante, was ashamed to ask for the World Cup to take a picture during the last World Cup 2018. FOTO:

Kanté lost a train and just having dinner and playing at the home of FIFA unknown

After a match of the Premier, He had to catch a Eurostar train to Paris but the French player lost. some young, to recognize, They came to ask some pictures and some signatures. So far so normal, until the midfielder ended up going with his fans to the house of one of them for dinner and some FIFA on the console. Sin duda, Kanté is a different footballer.

He does the shopping himself at the supermarket and has no problem stopping to greet everyone

This should be normal but it is not in the world of football. And especially among the footballers who move in the salaries that Kanté manages. Sin embargo, It is common to see the French doing the shopping himself in any supermarket and also, does not run away from any fan who wants to stop to chat or take a picture with him.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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