The best balls in history

Los mejores balones de la historia
What soccer balls do you remember most fondly?? Vamos a recordar algunos de ellos. FOTO:

Last update 12 April, 2023 por Alberto Llopis

What have been the best balls in history? If you are a hook for football, a lover of the ball and also if, accounts certain age, sure you have it kicked either on the street, in a field of sand, grass or artificial turf, all kinds of balls or soccer balls.

From the typical leather ball sliced ​​into modern current through authentic stone balls as the Mikasa, soccer balls formed, They form and become part of the lives of millions of people.

Obviously for the balls as for everything in this life where a kind of list is made, there must be a subjective touch. Por ello, These are the mythical soccer balls that we remember.

But what have been the best balls in history??

The Etruscan ball was used in the Copa del Mundo de 1990 in Italy. Its design was inspired by the ancient Etruscan civilization, who inhabited Italy thousands of years ago. The ball had a classic and elegant look, with black details. Además, It was made of high-quality materials that allowed for a more precise and controlled flight.. Una de the best soccer balls ever.

He Questra was used as a result of USA 94. This ball presented a futuristic and revolutionary design for the time, with colored panels in blue, green and red. Además, it was made with a new technology, which consisted of layers of synthetic material to offer greater control and precision.

He Nike Geo It is one of the most recent balls in football history. It was used from 1996. This ball featured an innovative design with triangular panels that required better grip and precision.. Además, It was made with high quality materials that allowed greater resistance and durability..

Other legendary soccer balls in history

  1. Telstar: It was the ball used in the Copa del Mundo de 1970 en México. It was the first ball that had black and white panels, and its design made it highly visible on television. Además, It was the first ball to be specially made for a sporting event..
  2. Tango: Este balón fue utilizado en las Argentina World Cups 1978 y España 1982. Its triangle design made the ball fly better in the air, and became one of the most iconic in history.
  3. Azteca: It was used in the Copa del Mundo de 1986 en México. This ball had a unique texture that allowed players to have better grip and control on the field.. Además, it was very resistant and could be used in any type of weather.
  4. Fevernova: Este balón fue utilizado en la Copa del Mundo de 2002 in Korea and Japan. It was the first ball to improve on microfiber technology, which made it lighter and allowed it to have a better flight in the air.
  5. Brazuca: It was used in the Copa del Mundo de 2014 in Brazil. This ball was specially designed for the tournament and was characterized by having a unique texture that allowed better control and grip on the field..


Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol
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