The evolution of football jerseys in World Cup history

La evolución de las camisetas de fútbol en la historia de los Mundiales
The World Cup shirts have evolved like fashion. FOTO: Youtube Capture

Last update 29 March, 2024 por Alberto Llopis

He “small world” Fashion, It is a world that is constantly changing and moving. Applied football, Fashion can be seen not only in hairstyles footballers or boots colors that vary every few months, but logically, in the style of the shirts of different teams. True to our peculiar style, today in Hanged for football, we review the evolution of football jerseys in World Cup history. There are all types and colors.

The evolution of football shirts in the World Cups

As we have told aquí, the history of the World Cup begins in 1930 with the first World Cup ever held in Uruguay. In those distant days of early last century, football was far from billionaire business we know today. En esa época, football was a gentleman's sport as once was said. As such, his outfit could not be less.

With thick shirts, open at the neck and made little comfortable fabrics for sports practice, los jugadores, on packed mud fields, ball kicking leather boots truth weighing much more than you can find today known sports brands like Nike. Porters carrying kneepads, a kind of dress jacket and even berets.

Fashion did not change much until the 60 y los 70 when there was a real revolution in sports fashion especially in the second. From World played in that decade, sports brands began to appear on the jerseys of different teams, leaving some of the most beautiful shirts that are remembered, especially for lovers “vintage”. Recalled are some like t-shirts Germany, Argentina, Netherlands the Brazil.

Los 80 They brought a change although t did not change much during the two World at the time played. Most striking was the theme of pants, adjusted so that seemed underpants. The arrival of the World USA 94 brought great innovations on the jerseys of the various selections. Teams like Germany and Spain, they chose models never seen in their equipaciones, quite striking, nothing to do with what they had behaved hitherto.

The XXI century brought and marketing various types of garments with constant changes, true to the times we live in fashions go very fast. In the four World Cups Played from 2002 a 2014, the t-shirts, boots and even hairstyles have changed while watching images between World with a period of time between 4 y 14 years apart, it seems that the time slot has been much wider. If you want to take a look at all shirts World stories you can do in this infographic we have found in Zalando online shop.

Las camisetas del Mundial
Infographic of all T-shirts World Cup history. Fuente:

Evolution Tees Spain during the World

Style t-shirts Spanish team have followed an almost similar to that of his nickname evolution or game. Desde la “Furia Roja” hasta “La Roja”, from the game based on the claw and the push to “Get Taka”, t-shirts Spanish selection have varied from the basic but nothing ugly style 80 until tight t-shirts bearing the Ramos, Xabi Alonso and company have been present for the past six years, plagued success for Spanish football.

Las equipaciones de España han ido avanzando como su juego. Fuente:
The equipments of Spain have been progressing as his game. Fuente:

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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