PC Football, the first major football manager

El PC Fútbol,  el primer gran manager de fútbol
PC Soccer with Michael Robinson as picture, It was the soccer video game of the 90. FOTO: PC Soccer

Last update 6 October, 2020 por Alberto Llopis

How many afternoons and nights have you invested in PC Soccer? Surely if you are reading this article many. And is that between the late twentieth century and early twenty-first, PC Soccer was the best and first major football manager on. Created by Dynamic Multimedia, and with him the great Michel Robinson (RIP) as picture, el PC FútboHe had hundreds of thousands of people spend hours signing, selling, expanding the stadium and everything this powerful game allowed you. If you were not playing the, I also remember him.

PC Football, the video game that marked several generations in the 90 y principios de los 2000

El primer PC Soccer came out for the season 1992/93. In Rudimentary 3.86 of the time, If the single but very original game at the time when they had the first real names League, and it introduced a database on players and teams in the league. One facet that explode in recent editions even with the possibility to update with the first and almost prehistoric Internet connections that time. The simulator remember much at the Emilio Butragueno also Dinamic.

In the seasons 93/94, 94/95 y 95/96 the game was up performance, improvements and adepts, while half of 90 it was the favorite game for many millions of users. That caused Dinamic was launched and created the version of the Argentina League, Italian Serie A and even the version of Euro 96, a game that many of us would engage as you offered the chance to make your own choice among Spanish players playing in Primera that year and went on the database of the game. Until the very successful coach Luis Enrique today, He is playing out the same on his laptop of the time on the plane that took them to England.

The edition of the League of Stars, the jump in quality of the game in 90

But the highlight of the 90 for the mythical PC Soccer it was in its edition 5.0, la de la temporada 1996/97 coinciding with the famous ‘Liga de las Estrellas‘ in which the game, He gave a leap of quality in all senses. For the first time its database included teams from other leagues and the Spanish Second Division. El jugador, I could choose to either 42 teams contesting the LFP at that time and go and sign players from other leagues around the world. One thing that today seems like normal in any football game but it was a blast at that time.

El PC Fútbol 5.0 tuvo un salto de calidad brutal.
PC Football 5.0 He took a leap of brutal quality.

Además, The simulator also stepped forward for the first time, fields and players acquired a rough 3D gameplay. The edition of the 97/98 He was not very successful so in the 98/99 they decided to take a leap of quality and not only further improved databases but added the stadiums 20 teams playing in the First Division at that time. They also released games for him Mundial de 1998 and the Euro 2000.

The 21st century ended the game as we knew it

He PC Soccer 2000 Nor it was one of the best games in the franchise yet, the last one occurred Dinamic, el PC Fútbol 2001 It was one of the best selling and most successful had. Already in the new century could even play with Spanish Third Division teams and their manager, It was the most complete in the world, inspiration of all the games that come later. So much so that after the bankruptcy of the company, many anonymous users created for the game updates 2001, updating teams and players database until many years later.

Game trailer 2001

PC Soccer tried to emerge in 2005 y 2006 developed by On Juegos that took over years after the disappearance of Dinamic but could never reach the essence or what PC Soccer generating a terrible disappointment among old addicts to the classic game who thought they would find in this installment a more modern version of the usual game. But that was impossible because the original was always too much PC Soccer.

Alberto Llopis

Hanged for football fully. Attempt to gather letters and tell stories in Colgadosporelfutbol.com. Specialist retro football Current. Football Coach Level II. You can follow me on @AlbertiniLlopis @colgadosfutbol


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